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Posts posted by greertr

  1. Is there a way to use phpvms without the traditional "skinning" process? I want to use a normal html site without the restrictions of skinning...I want to know if it will work first. Skinning has too many hurdles ....

    Well, I dunno if this will fully staisfy your question, but I stripped my current template of all "eye candy" and just used the individual pages in the Joomla 1.5 CMS. Joomla affords some flexibility and security hat phpvms lacks (although Joomla can be hacked as well). I just renamed my eye_candy template "bare2dabones" and used the data portions I wanted to use.

    Very stable, check it out here if u like>


  2. I recently decided to use Joomla for my web site and integrate PHPVMS into it.

    There is no bridge that I'm aware of, so I just did it manually; accomplished the task in about four hours.

    Check it out if you like...the Pilot Center is in the registered members area, and I access the admin for phpvms totally separate from the Joomla, but you can see a lot of phpvms pages I've made public. I use the Joomla login rather than the phpvms login.

    I guess one other unique thing is that we aren't just a VA, we also like other sims, and right now, I've got enough activity with virtual golf, that I've integrated some of that into the theme, as well.

    I still have some small things to do like some intro rhetoric on the home page, but the site is mostly done at this point...and I'm ready for a break hehe.


  3. Just thought I'd start sharing my web site with yall...I just finished up some new ranks...the art work is that hardest part for me, b/c it requires so much patience and attention to detail, omg.

    I'm using a modified eye_candy skin, my thanks to whoever developed it.

    I'm certainly open to an constructive comments on how to further improve the site.

    I'm way happy with PHPVMS, that's for sure.

    VSX Link

  4. The downloads page, when you click on a download goes into an infinite loop situation and the page just sits there clicking at you as it continuously reloads.

    I know this has to do with a loop function in the code, but Iive not been able to resolve it.

    Anyone else expreience this or have an idea?

    thanks in adv


    SOLVED: I discovered I had an error in my download link :blink: : [embarassed lol]

  5. Hey Greer,

    I like what you did with the small menus down the left, grey backgrounds, with blue headers, how did you do that?

    very nice.


    I use a little graphical utility called Colorpic to get the color I want and it gives you the hexadecimal color code (format #xxxxxx). You can take the color code and replace the one in the Stylesheet.css. This author pretty well added comments in the stylesheet so you can figure out which codes go to what graphical object. Just make a back up copy of the stylesheet and then you can start ocver if you have to.


    With regard to the issue of the login form being occluded by the main menu bar on smaller monitors, the culprit is the graphic associated with the upper right menu bar. So in the stylesheet, I set the height of it to zero, and commented out the menu links, since I didn't need the upper right menu thingy. Doing that raised the relative location of the login form by 31px, where I think it looks better and won't be occluded by the menu bar. Also, it is stratight across the header from my logo, and present a more balanced and clean appearance.

    Hope that helps.


  6. Tyvm, Dean,

    I noticed something about Obsessed Blue on my web site, so I went over to your site, and saw that yours is doing the same thing (as observed by a smaller mopntior).

    This isn't too complicated but will require a few words of explanation.

    First, I have a 28" monitor at home, and everything is looking great.

    But, when I viewed the site from my computer at work, which has a much smaller monitor, the login and password fields were

    hidden by the black horizontal menu.

    Somehting to be aware of. I'll investigate that issue this weekend and post anything I come up with that may be a solution, and run by the group here on the forums.

    It's prolly just a simple formatting issue caused by the logo .jpg pic on the left side of the header shoving the login block down under the hoizontal main menu. We might need to apply some static formatting to the header section.



  7. . . . One last one, before uploading the file to my host I changed what I thought was the back ground black color to our blue color, but its still black, is there a way I can do this? I have tried doing it a few times but still comes out black on the live site?



    Hi Deano,

    You can change the background colors in the .css file. I'm not a guru like some of the others around here, but I'm usually able to solve my own issues, with a bit of research. One thing, if you're using Filezilla for FTP access, you can right click on the server side file and it will allow you to edit that file and automatically re-save the file to the server when you're done, that way you can edit online and then just download an occasional backup for you site...that way seems a bit easier and fewer surprises in the code uploads.

    Demo URL: http://www.vsimair.com/index.php

    As to your other issues, I haven't got that far yet, but I'll post some feedback tomorrow...my dam day job is interfering with my personal life agin lol.

    I just bagen tweaking the Obsess Blue this morning, and will prolly have it finished this weekend. Feel free to track my prograss :)



    P.S. Many thanks to the author(s) of Obsess Blue, it is a very useful skin with lot's of functionality.

  8. Ok, it is ONLY the B732, on the "EPA" company, that does not show fuel. I missed the HS748 in the fuel.tpl, so that is fine now, but it is that B732 that is weird. But for whatever reason. it shows the fuel details for the B732, except EPA's?! I have checked the database and it is basically the same details. I am probably just missing something obvious.

    After I tweaked my aircraft naming, it worked great for me, tyvm :)

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