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  2. I went back to a new install and after that the program works, still have to test the email part. I will sign up to the discord. As for the vmsACARS, I am told that my email needs to be verified, stil. Even after 3 days still no change. Same with the no branding purchase. to disposable hero: 1, I did read the docs, nowhere in the docs it says that some folders need to be set to 777 permission for the whole thing to work. 2, the forum has a LOT of entries and a lot has to do with V5 and other older versions, so for a newbie it is kinda hard to navigate to the proper posts 3, I was overwhelmed by all that old information and was hoping for some guidance to direct me to the proper direction. 4. When you follow the link to purchase the ACARS and you fill out everything just to get a ”you need a verified email address to continue” but your email has been verified, then you could ask yourself “is this still being worked on and is that community still active” Anyhow, thanks for the input.
  3. Yesterday
  4. Strange... I mean, finding info and guides on forum irrelevant, thinking that phpVMS and vmsACARS is not active is strange. What you needed was just a forum post We are always active at Discord (link is at the menu above) and checking the forum daily (at least for v7 section). Anyway, the docs are below (which is also present in the menu above); https://docs.phpvms.net You can always download the latest build from below links (if you don't want to utilize Git features); https://phpvms.cdn.vmslabs.net/phpvms-latest-dev.zip https://phpvms.cdn.vmslabs.net/phpvms-latest-dev.tar.gz Good luck and God speed with your install/update.
  5. Instructions state: http://yourdomain.com/smartcars/api/phpvms5/ You placed it in: your_domain/newSmartcars/api/handlers/phpvms5 There is no "handlers" folder denoted in the install instructions. Any reason you are still using phpVMS v5? Seriously consider moving to phpVMS v7.
  6. Join the phpVMS discord using the link in the top menu of the forum. Look in the discord #v7-releases channel for the latest dev version. The link to vmsACARS you posted is correct. What happens when you click the "Order Now" link?
  7. Hey, there is no mention in the instructions that it need to go /core/modules. this is the instructions : The smartCARS 3 phpVMS 5 API uses "handlers", which represent the platforms it is communicating with. We support phpVMS 5 in this repository, but custom handlers can be written for other platforms. For phpVMS 7 support, please go to the phpVMS 7 repository instead. Step 1 Download the latest release from the releases page. Step 2 Extract the contents of the release zip file to an empty folder which is in the same directory as your installation (a core folder should exist in this directory). Step 3 (nginx only) (im not using) If you are using nginx as your webserver, you will need to serve the smartCARS API as a seperate location. An example configuration is below: location /smartcars/api { try_files $uri $uri/ /smartcars/api.php?$query_string; } You will need to modify this configuration to fit your needs and to point to the correct location. Step 4 Verify that the installation was successful by visiting the handler file in your browser. You should see a JSON response with the version number of the API and the name of your handler. Assuming you have placed phpVMS 5 in your public_html folder and your API folder is called smartcars: http://yourdomain.com/smartcars/api/phpvms5/ This URL will be the "Script URL" option in smartCARS 3 Central when managing your community.
  8. Great to hear! I am trying to get the acars from https://vmshost.io/store/acars . No I am not a member of phpVMS discord. I was trying to download my flights from phpvms admin section, but same happens when I try to download others like my fleet as csv. email settings in .env are correct. Where is the correct version, I downloaded the phpvms 7.0.0 dev via the link at the phpvms 7.0.4 version. there is so much irrelevant data on the forum which makes it hard to set this up. And the manual is not always a good help to solve the issue, so I am very glad to finally get to communicate with someone that know his way arround. Gerald S.
  9. Does SM3 come with a module for phpVMS v5? If so, it needs to go in /core/modules. What - specifically - do the SM3 install instructions state?
  10. Yes, we are still active. What site are you going to for ACARS? Are you a member of the phpVMS discord? Who is your present host? Where are you trying to download CSV data from? The data needs to be in the correct format prior to uploading. Are your email settings correct in the phpVMS v7 .env file? What phpVMS version are you using? You should be using the latest dev version, not beta 5.
  11. Last week
  12. I have been trying to get the ACARS for phpVMS 7, the hosting site does not respond to my request. I have tons of issues with downloading data as CSV or uploading CSV, my email notifications do not work and when I try to oder acars app I keep getting that my email is not verified which I have done. Is there ANYBODY that can help me out. Thanks in advance, Gerald S.
  13. hello, im follow the instactions on smartcars , and open a lot of tickets but they cant help me. i was install the smartcars on this folder : and there is the error i get from smartcars website :
  14. After successfully passing the requirements and database access phases, the application goes into a loop in the database setup phase. I noticed that strangely the credentials have the user name without any value. This is how the connection string looks like: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user ''@'' (using password: NO) (Connection: mysql, SQL: select table_name as `name`, (data_length + index_length) as `size`, table_comment as `comment`, engine as `engine`, table_collation as `collation` from information_schema.tables where table_schema = '' and table_type = 'BASE TABLE' order by table_name). And as you can see, the username is not reported, which in my case is phpvms and which has successfully passed the db access test. What am I doing wrong?
  15. Since the OP hasn't posted an update to this in almost 6 years and hasn't visited the forum in over 4 years, I'd consider the projected dead and abandoned. Even if it was completed 4-6years ago, chances are it wouldn't be compatible with the latest dev release of phpVMS v7.
  16. Earlier
  17. For mine, I just entered what is under CRON - starting with "/opt..." - into the area you show at the bottom of your post. And make sure Web Cron is disabled.
  18. Best way to understand this is checking the cron log @Imanol , they are placed alongside with your laravel logs under storage/logs folder. If it is not there, or there but nothing in it are clear signs of cron problems (95% hosting limitations, 5% user error / server misconfiguration) And if it is running properly, you may need to wait until UTC midnight, (nightly cron) for user checks (active / leave switch) Good luck
  19. Additionally, be sure your cron command is running the exact same php version with your hosting account/domain where phpvms runs. Running phpvms with php8.1 but trying to run cron with php8.0 or php8.2 will cause failure. So whenever you try different php versions, or update them be 100% sure that cron is using the same php executable. Good luck
  20. @ProAvia this is what I have PHPVMS 7 cPanel
  21. If you go to admin, maintenance - what info is shown under CRON? For your hosting, what access panel is used? cPanel, etc.
  22. Hi @ProAvia I added that line in Cronjobs. I don't know how to set the web cron.
  23. Are you using the cron thru your hosting or are you using the web cron? https://docs.phpvms.net/installation/cron
  24. Hello, I have already set a cron job in my cPanel and configured 60 days as period of inactivity. However, pilot states are not changing. This is what I have in settings: Thanks in advance.
  25. Gday, I've encountered new issue of vmsACARS unable to resume flight. This functionality was working well up until recently (last time this feature was used was about 3 months ago). No changes to sim or operating system during the same time period. Can anyone help to make sense of the following entries in log please? 09-21 00:29:58|INFO; Resuming flight, in state: Approach 09-21 00:29:58|INFO; Starting PIREP, sim type=Prepar3d 09-21 00:29:58|INFO; Resume, calculating distance, curr=N037° 25.02', W122° 14.53', last=N037° 24.09', W122° 16.28' 09-21 00:29:58|INFO; Resuming, distance from last report: 1.67mi 09-21 00:30:17|ERROR; UnhandledException UncaughtException::System.IO.IOException;Stacktrace at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.CreateFile(String fullPath, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileOptions options) at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String fullPath, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileOptions options, Int64 preallocationSize) at System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileOptions options, Int64 preallocationSize) at System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers.ChooseStrategyCore(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileOptions options, Int64 preallocationSize) at System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers.ChooseStrategy(FileStream fileStream, String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, Int64 preallocationSize) at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize) at NLog.Internal.FileAppenders.BaseFileAppender.TryCreateFileStream(Boolean allowFileSharedWriting, Int32 overrideBufferSize) at NLog.Internal.FileAppenders.BaseFileAppender.TryCreateDirectoryFileStream(Boolean allowFileSharedWriting, Int32 overrideBufferSize) at NLog.Internal.FileAppenders.BaseFileAppender.CreateFileStream(Boolean allowFileSharedWriting, Int32 overrideBufferSize) at NLog.Internal.FileAppenders.CountingSingleProcessFileAppender..ctor(String fileName, ICreateFileParameters parameters) at NLog.Internal.FileAppenders.CountingSingleProcessFileAppender.Factory.NLog.Internal.FileAppenders.IFileAppenderFactory.Open(String fileName, ICreateFileParameters parameters) at NLog.Internal.FileAppenders.FileAppenderCache.CreateAppender(String fileName, Int32 freeSpot) at NLog.Internal.FileAppenders.FileAppenderCache.AllocateAppender(String fileName) at NLog.Targets.FileTarget.WriteToFile(String fileName, ArraySegment`1 bytes, Boolean initializedNewFile) at NLog.Targets.FileTarget.ProcessLogEvent(LogEventInfo logEvent, String fileName, ArraySegment`1 bytesToWrite) at NLog.Targets.FileTarget.Write(LogEventInfo logEvent) at NLog.Targets.Target.Write(AsyncLogEventInfo logEvent) at NLog.Targets.Target.WriteAsyncThreadSafe(AsyncLogEventInfo logEvent) at NLog.Targets.Target.WriteAsyncLogEvent(AsyncLogEventInfo logEvent) at NLog.LoggerImpl.WriteToTargetWithFilterChain(Target target, FilterResult result, LogEventInfo logEvent, AsyncContinuation onException) at NLog.LoggerImpl.Write(Type loggerType, TargetWithFilterChain targetsForLevel, LogEventInfo logEvent, LogFactory logFactory) at NLog.Logger.WriteToTargets(LogEventInfo logEvent, TargetWithFilterChain targetsForLevel) at NLog.Logger.WriteToTargets(LogLevel level, String message) at NLog.Logger.Info(String message) at Acars.App..ctor() at Acars.App.Main() Thank you. Regards, Nick
  26. I shared my thoughts already at Discord. Looks like your install is not good and you have file/folder access problems.
  27. I made it work, thank you, indeed, permissions were the reason however now I am facing another issue, log is showing the following errors 09-14 00:44:37|INFO; Setting flight phase to Boarding 09-14 00:44:39|ERROR; uri=/api/pireps/9lyY6m8jq2e2jRBw/acars/positions 09-14 00:44:39|ERROR; error=App\Events\AcarsUpdate::__construct(): Argument #2 ($acars) must be of type App\Models\Acars, null given, called in /home/flyatlas/public_html/app/Http/Controllers/Api/AcarsController.php on line 212 09-14 00:44:39|ERROR; code=503 any idea how I can fix this issue? thank you DH, you're a life saver.
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