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Everything posted by abarter

  1. AmEuro VA announces "Airline of the Month" Starting May 1st, AmEuro VA will name one real life airline and provide routes and and some history of the airline for vPilots to enjoy. Airlines will be chosen based on a number of criteria ranging from popularity to awards given to the challenges of the areas they fly in. Please join us and read about our first Airline of the Month, Korean Airlines (KAL). You do not need to be a member to read the history. It's available from a link on the top right of out home page to anyone. To fly the routes you will need to be a member of AmEuro. Thank-you, Andrew Barter AmEuro - President
  2. AmEuro offers vPilots the option of flying as close to real pilot operations as they please, or not at all. We offer virtual pilots the flexibility to use any aircraft they like on the routes. Piloting vintage jetliners or propliners are not possible anymore within the standard VA operations. At AmEuro there are none of those restrictions. We provide the pilot with a route and a recommended aircraft, but any aircraft can be flown so long as it is properly suited for the route. Not only that, we offer routes all over the world for airliners, propliners, and bizjets. 266 airports in 49 countries are currently served with more being added monthly. http://www.ameurova.com Andrew Barter AmEuro VA - President
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