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  1. Ok sounds good thanks
  2. Thanks guys I like both aircraft and they cost around the same to operate.
  3. Thanks Kyle thats what its all about
  4. sorry we only have 15 it has not been changed yet
  5. SkyBlue is lookin for staff and Pilots please visit Skyblue @ http://jetskyblue.com Thanks
  6. I would like to encourage pilots to join www.simb6.net in which is the most accurate simulation of jetBlue in my opinion. What we offer: + support for FSX, FS2004,& Xplane + A friendly Staff That is willing to help + A totally clean website + A custom Acars (already ordered) + A Nice Forum + A Teamspeak 3 Also we are hiring for the following staff positions: + Boston Hub +Long Beach Hub + New York Hub + A320 Chief Pilot + E190 Chief Pilot So come on and be apart of the team as a pilot or staff!!!!!! SimB6
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  8. Sorry its www.simb6.net simb6.net
  9. Simulated B6(jetBlue) has reemerged again. Previously SimB6 has been known for itsactive engagement in the virtual airline world and on flight simulation networks. We imagine that you have some questions so we'll beable to answer a few here and more in the forums topic. Who are you? We're a group of flightsimulator enthusiast here to excel your hobby to a new level ofexcitement! What makes you better? Not only do we have everysingle one of jetBlue's routes, we can also guarantee you a professionalexperience! We model ourselves after jetBlue and brought our name toconsideration. What type of aircraftwould I be able to fly? Our fleet of next generationaircraft allows for you to fly the Embraer E190 and Airbus A320. Currently someof the best aircraft in the world. Where can I view yourwebsite? By simply clickinghere! Sweet! How do I join? Simply visit the join page onour website! Thanks! SimB6
  10. yea this was the templatet from that sir
  11. yes thats me i started several vas but have not found one i was willing to stick with, so now i have simb6 a va im willing to spend time with most of the va were fictional so i had trouble recruiting pilots and i gave several va away with thats said im only the ceo of one va i staretd an american va but thats to big of an airline to maintain i am an activ member of other vas though
  12. oh yea the name had to stay simb6 because jetblue wont let anyone use the there name so simb6 is jetblue but not there actual name and yes simb6 has been around before sorry i misread what you had typed.
  13. sim b6 was around before a friend gave us the template and i found the domain pretty cheap so this is what i came up with. We did modify the the template a little bit and as i learn more about coding ill be addng mor things as well.
  14. Sim B6 Is accepting staff and pilots, pleas feel free to take a look and ask questions. I personally used the timetable to get the accurate flight numbers and used the electronic timetable to pull the aircraft reworked site and admin panel enjoy www.simb6.net
  15. Emirates Virtual has now Opened its doors as of 1 June 2011.Piliots will have the freedom to fly all aircraft even if you have 0 hours of flight time.our goal is to simulate Emirates and its subsidiaries to the tee. We are also hiring staff ,a Ops Manager,Human Resources manager, Fleet Manager,and a Public Relations Manager.Thanks for your time. Emirates Virtual www.emiratesva.org
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