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Everything posted by Fujiwhara

  1. SEO is not how something looks but rather it is attracting visitors from the organic results on search engines. However, you obviously want something attractive for your site visitors to look at. I have no shortage of clients and what sells is that I am moving my client websites to the top of Google and they tell their friends.
  2. Hey guys! @Tom - I am not in India nor Pakistan so I myself can not afford to charge those type of prices. You get what you pay for. I am still working with the client and it will be interesting to see how his site measures up with others that exist within the hobby. In regards to SEO, trust me, I have no issue doing whitehat SEO but I have been so busy with my clients that I haven't had time to finish my own site. The plumber has a leaky faucet and the carpenter's door squeeks. I appreciate the feedback in regards to finances but I still have to feed my kids too. So perhaps I will be the "expensive guy" for now and that is ok to me. Although I am not a pilot, your hobby is extremely interesting to me and would like to stick around to learn more about it. Perhaps, I could develop some mods for you guys, who knows. My very best to you all. When my client goes public, I will let you know his url. He is still requesting modifications at this time. Thank you, Chris
  3. If you can dream it, we can build it.

  4. Greetings! I just finished a professional, custom VMS Website and thought I would stop in on the forums to say hello. I am not sure if the owner is ready to announce the website so I will not spoil it for him but will hopefully release the url to the new site in the coming days. If any of you are looking for a VMS professionally designed, please feel free to contact me. Pricing would be about $500 - $750 depending on what is involved. "If you can dream it, we can build it." Happy flying! Respectfully, Chris Gordon Fujiwhara, Inc. Website Design and Development support@fujiwhara.com
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