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Everything posted by Renzo

  1. Affirmative!
  2. Folks, WingsAir Virtual is open and recruiting now! Visit www.wingsair.co.uk for more info!
  3. Hello all, I am looking for someone who could skin website of my new VA which am I currently setting up. I had booked a skinning by Olbi, who is making it with a real quality and quite cheap too, but from unexpected reason he couldn't finish my order. His price's for an sleek&modern phpVMS website skin was about 10£, so I am looking for someting similiar. The VA is called Wings Air, and the colours are light navy blue and gray. If you're interested, my email is szymek@mtv.pl If you have some suggestions, for ex. to the price or to website style, we can get along with. Cheers, Simon.
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