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Everything posted by marciogg

  1. marciogg


    Hi, I added those lines but wasn't very successfull, after selecting the desired template in the settings, when loading the website it loads like a html with white background. I've uploaded the exported template which had the html renamed to layout.tpl as required and lines entered as above. http://www15.zippyshare.com/v/11214595/file.html If you can take a look and point where I went wrong that would be great. Regards, Márcio
  2. marciogg


    Hi, I'm very very grateful for your tips. Just a little doubt. What do you mean by "manually amend" Regards, Márcio
  3. marciogg


    Sorry to bump an old topic, but I have recently discovered phpvms. I have a website in joomla and use artisteer to make template, can someone please give tips in what format to export a template in artisteer and how to convert this format to phpvms template? Many thanks to all in advance. Regards, Márcio
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