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  1. Very thanks for your help, tutmeister! Now my table it is much better. Thank you again.
  2. Hello everybody, Sorry respond in an old topic. tutmeister, I went on the website of his company and saw the list of pireps for each pilot, I found it very nice pagination. I tried using in my site, but was ordered in descending order, and I would like to put by date equal to his. Could you help me? Very thanks.
  3. I've changed this function, in my case I use 2 minutes, and works correctly when the pilot disconnects after landing, he disappears from the map and the phase change for Offline. The problem is when it disconnects at any phase of the flight (Cruise, Descend, etc..) it is saved in the database with the current phase. Thanks for your reply.
  4. When a pilot disconnects in flight for some problem or for any reason, your satus is saved in the table phpvms_acarsdata as "Cruise" or another phase he is in the moment. When the pilot disconnect, I wish phasedetail save in the table as Offline. This displays wrong phase detail in signature the pilot. Who can help I am very grateful. Regards.
  5. Thanks for the reply Jeff. What I want is exactly what you said in the "Answer #2", they expire after a certain time. Looking local.config, the only thing that I thought maybe this is it: # If someone places a bid, whether to disable that or not Config::Set('DISABLE_SCHED_ON_BID', true); Config::Set('DISABLE_BIDS_ON_BID', false); Could you tell me if this is the same? Thank you.
  6. Hello, I'm here again to ask for help. Sorry if what I write is already in the forum but I searched and found nothing. Would you like to send an email to the pilot automatically after 15 days of entry if it is a total flight equal to zero. It would be just an email to warn that he is already reaching the deadline to make the first flight. I would also like to know if can delete the bids, as many pilots reserve flights and take too long to do it. After 5 days, if the pilot does not fly, the flight booked would be deleted. Sorry for the English, I used google translate. Very Thanks.
  7. Ah, ok! Thanks
  8. Hello, I found a really cool addon, because when you click on the icon of the aircraft, shows the route traveled... As can be seen here. Could anyone help me how to make this effect? Or at least that shows the path that remains of the aircraft to the destination, even if it is straight. And not the path from source to destination. Very Thanks.
  9. I've changed my server, and used the tips you guys gave me Now yes my files are safe. Thank you all for help! Best Regards!
  10. I'm using a free server at the moment and it does not support this file type. I'll be moving to another server (which is not free), and i will use this tip you gave me! Thank you very much!
  11. Thank vader21, I'll try the way you spoke, because for changing the default directory seems to be more complicated.
  12. I'd like to change the directory, because if someone access the link (mysite.com/lib/skins/crystal/ layout.tpl) it is possible to download it, maybe this would be a way to protect them. Thanks for the reply.
  13. Hello everybody, I'm new here on the forum, this is my first participation. I wonder if it is possible to change the default directory (lib/skins...) to something else that I can create? Example (myva/skins...). Thank you.
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