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Everything posted by MikeG

  1. Welcome to Virtual Express jet Airlines Virtual Express Jet Airlines is NOW excepting pilot applications. We are still going through our Vatsim process, but we still need more pilots to come on board. If you like flying the CRJ's & ERJ's regional jets we are the place for you. Please stop on in to take a look at our site. www.virtualexpressjetairlines.org. Express Jet Airlines is the largest regional airlines company in North America with over 2,000 routes to fly. We will simulate the real world operation of Expressjet Airlines as closely as we can to included Delta Connection, United Express and Charter Operations. We will feature a custom ACARS for all pilot reporting, realistic aircraft, real world routes and a complete update schedule. Virtual Express Airlines has 151 destinations across North America, Canada, Mexico as well as some seasonal flights. So, Please stop by and check out our NEW website, we have a flight board and our cool looking badges. Join Today And Let's Have Some Fun In The Sky's www.virtualexpressjetairlines.org Thank you Mike Grimm Chief Executive Officer Mike.Grimm@virtualexpressjetairlines.org
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