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    Toronto, Ontario

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  1. 8 Days left for our Thanksgiving Sale, If you have any family or friend that is interested in purchasing a hosting package then this is the time to do so. Visit www.zonecloud.net for more info.
  2. Thank you CPC900 for the great comment, we will always welcome you to our family, Just let us know when you are interested and we will definitly help you choose the service that best suits you. If you need help just feel free to ask me via PM or via our website. Thank you
  3. For limited time get an extra 30% OFF when you sign up for one year or more of any of our services (Coupon Code: THANKSGIVING). This offer is not valid on SSL Certificates. Visit www.zonecloud.net for more info.
  4. We have updated our site with new services and features, please visit www.zonecloud.net for more info
  5. Thank you jordan and if you ever want to host with me just let me know and ill offer you a coupon for the firdt year
  6. And if you guys ever need help just ask. Thank you
  7. Thank you jacob and for your nice comments i will provide you with a 45% discount on our advanced package, if you are interested please pm me, thanks again
  8. Thank you so much kyle, ill fix that right away, and i am not a kid who likes to advertise something and run away from it, i take everyones comments positively and try to make my company get bigger and better, i really do appreciate your comment. If you ever need any help i am always here to help
  9. And my business is registered under the business act of ontario, based in Toronto Canada, if you want i can provide you with my business registration number. For you to have a proof that i am a not just phpvms provider but a company that is legally registered.
  10. Tom thank you, honestly people should be like you, read through it and then comment and not just comment to put people down, i stated as long as its not spamming the servers like bots, i am offering unlimted based on tbe server compatibility, if you use more then the server space i ttansfer your account to my other servers that can handle
  11. Ok joeroi have a good day, if you ever think y That your getting fill server by yourself then you are totally wrong, companies will go bankrupt, i have over 37 clients, each server costs me around $198 so thats like me spending over 7000 dollars. Please know why your talking about before posting
  12. If you visit my site , Under About us you can check were our servers are located, You just have to check to find out, About us
  13. every single Hosting company that you buy an account with are actually on a shared hosting except if you buy a dedicated server. Please do your research before posting. If you have nothing better to post please go find other topics and post in them. Thank you
  14. I love how you deleted my post LOL
  15. because its a shared hosting , Majority of the companies out there wont provide you their shared hosting server information, they only provide you with the dedicated server hosting, but because I dont provide dedicated I told you the info
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