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Everything posted by sslazio17

  1. Hi guys... i'm back with the same problem. I wrote some simple modules (for the admin panel) such as an "hello world". Nothing is showed in the panel. I'm going crazy.. anyone knows what happened on my site? If i try to install a new module on my admin panel, this refuses to show it in addon menu.
  2. Files sent via PM. Thanks a lot for your assistance.
  3. Nobody can help me???
  4. We're on a Dedicated server by HostGator. If you wish i can send you all the files of my module.
  5. Yes!! When i do this phpVMS says that the module AWARDS ASSIGNMENT does not exist... so sad
  6. No Fernando, this is only a test i've done to try to call the file (not readed by the admin cp) by a traditional browser's http call... and the file is in the correct place. But when i log into my admin panel, in the Addons Menu, my module does not exist. This happens only my server, trying on my local test server (XAMPP platform) all works fine.
  7. I add some infos about this problem: 1st of all, the code of the module: <?php /** PLUGIN WROTE BY EMILIANO INNOCENTI FOR VIRTUAL RYANAIR AWARDS ASSIGNMENT 0.1b **/ class Awards_Assignment extends CodonModule { public function HTMLHead() { $this->set('sidebar', 'Awards_Assignment/sidebar_awardass.tpl'); } public function NavBar() { echo '<li><a href="'.SITE_URL.'/admin/index.php/Awards_Assignment">Awards Assignment 0.1b</a></li>'; } public function index() { $this->show('Awards_Assignment/awardass_index.tpl'); $month = date('m'); //Se siamo a gennaio prende dicembre, altrimenti il mese - 1 $month = ($month==1) ? 12 : --$month; $year = date('Y');//Se il mese puntato è Dicembre torna all'anno passato $year = ($month != 12) ? $year: --$year; switch($_POST['action']) { case 'assLanding': $this->assignLanding($month, $year); break; case 'assDistance': case 'assTimeFlown': case 'assignTopFlights': case 'assign500h': case 'assign1000h': break; } return; } public function assignLanding ($month, $year) { $bestland = -300; //Valore di confronto assurdo per il primo caso $bestlandPID = array(); //id piloti landing migliore $i = 0; //Ricava i migliori landing rates $landings = AwardAssData::get_top_month_landing ($month, $year); //Li scorre e li confronta foreach ($landings as $land) { if ($bestland < $land->landingrate) //Man mano trova il migliore e lo assegna alle var di lavoro, una per il LR e una per il pilotid { $bestland = $land->landingrate; $bestlandPID[$i] = $land->pilotid; } else if ($bestland == $land->landingrate) //Se c'è un execuo aggiunge il pilotid all'array per assegnare più award in un mese $bestlandPID[++$i] = $land->pilotid; } $bestlandPID = array_unique($bestlandPID); //Elimina i duplicati dall'array //Assegna gli award echo AwardAssData::assignLandAward($bestlandPID); return; } } ?> Triyng to reach manually the module, phpvms admin panel says that the module does not exist, but in on the server and i can reach the file by its url (obviusly, with a fatal error because out of its code wrap). File permissions: setting it to 777 i have an Error 500, setting permission as the other files (775) i'll obtain my phpVMS admin panel, but it wont to visualize my addon in the menu.... I'm going out crazy! On my PC all runs correctly... online not!
  8. Hi guys... i'm the developer of a italian VA. I wrote a module for the admin panel to permit us to assign some details to the pilots only bly clicking on a button. I'd taken some snippets from addons like VStats and others... i've a versione of my phpVMS running on XAMPP (local webserver) and the module works fine! But when i upload my files on the server for the VA site, my admin panel doesn't shows my module. The files are correctly updaloded, The folders' permission is quite good, the same of the others addons i'm running on my admin panel. On my local phpVMS i'm running the same addons of the software on my webserver... Bu the way, i can't view my module in my admin panel, also calling the module via url "index.php/module_name" my system says that my module does not exist... Please help me!
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