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Everything posted by DerisMaster

  1. Hi, recently i got the idea to start up the swedish airline Virtual Malmö Aviation and i started with it yesterday. Malmö Aviation have 12 aircrafts in there fleet, 2 RJ85 and 10 RJ100. They ordered some Bombardier CS plane and the first one will arrive next year. They are flying domestic in Sweden and also a few charter routes. I can't really complete this project alone and i need at least one person that is glad to help and know a lot about PHP and starting upp VA:s. I do already have a PHPVMS website for the airline but i still have to fix the acars and more stuff like that. Please answer this topic if you are interested in this and glad to help me starting it up, i need a friend so im not happy to pay for developing help. Malmö Aviation RJ100
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