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Everything posted by FlyUAA

  1. Vote #1 VA last month by VA-list. FlyUAA is a great opportunity to learn o to fly or if you are a vet at flying we have some options for you too. Please check out our latest magazine at the following link: https://joom.ag/G92Q there is a lot of flying tips and a lot more information. Stop by FlyUAA today at www.flyuaa.org.
  2. Don't miss out on a single issue of FlyUAA. There is news stories from around the VA community and also product reviews every month. You can find FlyUAA on the news stands at the following link. https://www.joomag.com/magazine/flyuaa/M0815023001469212461. Please stop by and see the next evolution in Virtual airlines today. Tom West FlyUAA CEO Email: Universalair alliance@gmail.com FaceBook: http://www.facebook.com/flyuaa.org Twitter: @FLY_UAA
  3. Don't miss out on a single issue of FlyUAA. There is news stories from around the VA community and also product reviews every month. You can find FlyUAA on the news stands at the following link. https://www.joomag.com/magazine/flyuaa/M0815023001469212461. Please stop by and see the next evolution in Virtual airlines today. Tom West FlyUAA CEO Email: universalairalliance@gmacom FaceBook: http://www.facebook.com/flyuaa.org Twitter: @FLY_UAA
  4. If you have not heard or seen what FlyUAA is about please stop by www.flyuaa.org and check us out. Also please check out the new edition of FlyUAA magazine at https://www.joomag.c...692001470972066.
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  5. FlyUAA is growing by the min. Please stop by and check out what makes FlyUAA.org voted the best VA out there. Here is a link https://youtu.be/wgk17R_IYB4 to our intro video showing some of our key features. If you have any questions please email us at universailairalliance@gmail.com. We will be glad to assist you. Tom West FlyUAA CEO CEO@flyuaa.org
  6. Ladies and Gentlemen, As you all well know by now, things here at FlyUAA are constantly in motion, and to that end, and after many requests, I am proud to announce that we have a new way to fly here at FlyUAA along with a new rank structure this change will take effect on April 2, 2016. Below I will outline the changes, but rest assured that one thing will never change, and that is the concept of you fly what you want, where you want, when ever you want. We ae looking for motivated pilots and staff to man new staff positions. So now for a list of changes: 1. Gone are the CAT restrictions. 2. You will make more virtual dollars to spend in the Pilot Shop. 3. We now have 4 Divisions within UAA. 4. We now have 4 types of callsigns. 5. We now have 11 Ranks per Division. 6. We now have new and improved insignia. So what does this mean? Well a new way to fly! Check out the New Rank Structure under the Information Tab. The New Hubs/Divisions 1. Commercial Division - Callsign: UAA North American Hub - George Bush Intercontinental (KIAH) - Hub Manager: Vacant VPNA European Hub - Schiphol (EHAM) - Hub Manager: Nico Schroder VPEU 2. General Aviation/Charter Division - Callsign: UAC Home Base - Martha's Vineyard (KMVY) - Hub Manager: Klee Dobra VPGA 3. United States Airforce Division - Callsign: UAF Home Base - Scott Airforce Base (KBLV) - Hub Manager: Michael Cordeiro SECAF 4. United States Navy Division - Callsign: USN Home Base - NAS Pensacola (KNPA) - Hub Manager: Vacant SECNAV In the future I would like to open Commercial Divisions in Central and South America, Asia, and Australia. If you have interest in managing the North American Hub or the United States Navy Division, please shoot me a message at universalairalliance@gmail.com Tom West FlyUAA CEO
  7. Ladies and Gentlemen, As you all well know by now, things here at FlyUAA are constantly in motion, and to that end, and after many requests, I am proud to announce that we have a new way to fly here at FlyUAA along with a new rank structure this change will take effect on April 2, 2016. Below I will outline the changes, but rest assured that one thing will never change, and that is the concept of you fly what you want, where you want, when ever you want. So now for a list of changes: 1. Gone are the CAT restrictions. 2. You will make more virtual dollars to spend in the Pilot Shop. 3. We now have 4 Divisions within UAA. 4. We now have 4 types of callsigns. 5. We now have 11 Ranks per Division. 6. We now have new and improved insignia. So what does this mean? Well a new way to fly! Check out the New Rank Structure under the Information Tab. The New Hubs/Divisions 1. Commercial Division - Callsign: UAA North American Hub - George Bush Intercontinental (KIAH) - Hub Manager: Vacant VPNA European Hub - Schiphol (EHAM) - Hub Manager: Nico Schroder VPEU 2. General Aviation/Charter Division - Callsign: UAC Home Base - Martha's Vineyard (KMVY) - Hub Manager: Klee Dobra VPGA 3. United States Airforce Division - Callsign: UAF Home Base - Scott Airforce Base (KBLV) - Hub Manager: Michael Cordeiro SECAF 4. United States Navy Division - Callsign: USN Home Base - NAS Pensacola (KNPA) - Hub Manager: Vacant SECNAV In the future I would like to open Commercial Divisions in Central and South America, Asia, and Australia. If you have interest in managing the North American Hub or the United States Navy Division, please shoot me a message at universalairalliance@gmail.com Remember, just because you choose one division does not bar you from flying in the other divisions. Shoot me a message with any questions or suggestions. And yes we will be writing a new SOP. Tom West FlyUAA CEO
  8. FLY UAA is a VA where no matter what kind of pilot you are we have it all. From GA flights, Bush flights, Cargo, Military, helicopters, to all the airline flights. We have it all!!! Please come check us out at www.FlyUAA.org. We currently are using Smartcars for flight tracking, but in upcoming weeks we are adding VAFS, Flight Keeper, and FS Passenger to use. We currently have over 80,000 routes and will be adding more routes this week. You may fly any aircraft anywhere. There is no limit here. So what are you waiting for come fly with Universal Air Alliance Today!!!
  9. Universal Air Alliance (FlyUAA) We have opened our doors on January 15th 2016. we are a code share virtual airline that offers over15,000 routes and fly any aircraft ranging from General aviation, Cargo, Bush, Military, and every airline company. We have it all. Please stop by and check out www.flyuaa.org. We have more to offer than most VA's. We are looking for pilots no experience required. Also we have some staff positions open. Please acquire by sending email to univrsalaralliance@gmail.com. Tom West CEO FlyUAA.org
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