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  1. Hello virtual pilots, i post this message here to share my range of phpVMS products. Indeed, I started recently to develop various addons and skins compatible with phpVMS 5.5. Below are screenshots of my last two creations: VACMS which is an advanced and fully functional modern crewcenter system, and Flaym forum which is a module allowing you to add a modern and complete forum to your website. Because they are previous versions used in my private VA, i share it here and sell it because i don't use it anymore. In order to make my work profitable, i do not give any of these two works but i sell it ! If you are interested in buying one of these two products do not hesitate to let me know by private message to not polluate the forum of useless posts 😉 NOTE : In the screenshots, you can see some contents like news, airports, routes, downloads etc... This is contents of my private VA, TUIFly belgium virtual and of course they are not available in the final product if you buy it !!! forum-screenshots.zip vacms-screenshots.zip
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