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Everything posted by zhengheng0505

  1. I am using ApVacars v2 for phpvms7 the lastest relase version,but i have some questions and some suggests,first of all,the software error message always like the software may crash,second,the textbox is null the when i click some button ,there are some exception show up,and when my users use this software ,404 400 ,timeout message always show up when they alerdy start and takeoff,can you fix it up thank you
  2. zhengheng0505

    phpVMS7 Support

    Now the phpvms7 is alerady release beta version,but kacars is not release software to suply phpvms7
  3. I have the same probleam, when our users flight abouve 5000nm the ApVacars always said 400 ,timeout,etc,also click continue,the record can not uploaded to the server.
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