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  1. We are on the virtual airline market since six months and we achieved unexpected goals. More than 800 pilot applications and actually 550 active of them. New challegens are waiting for us, and our need for implementations requires devoted, excited and loyal members to be included in our staff. Actually Webmaster and phpvms programmer are vacant position in our staff. If you want to join a growing community who is imposing is views on the virtual airline market and want to share couple of hours of your spare time weekly you ay be the right person. Also there is vacant a position for graphic designer, a photoshop addicted deeply interested in virtual and real aviation is the right person to take part with the team that run one of the best reputed sites on the panorama. Contact: recruitment@virtualryanair.com
  2. Thanks simpilot!
  3. Hi guys, I have a littel problem for Realschedulelite module. I have 293 aircraft in the fleet, and I gave each one a complete route, example: aircraft EI-XXX, assign route EGSS-LIME-EGSS-LEIB-EGSS-LEPA-EGSS Now, when I click on airport ICAO(EGSS) the routes available from it is only EGSS-LIME, why I don't see the other route? ex. EGSS-LEIB , EGSS-LEPA My setting in the local.config.php and app.config.php are: Config::Set('DISABLE_SCHED_ON_BID', false); Config::Set('DISABLE_BIDS_ON_BID', true); Thanks in advance, Thomas Zaniboni (www.virtualryanair.com)
  4. Hi guys , I wanted to know if it is possible to add in the page pilot_pubblic_profile.tpl a PHP that produces the number of the flights of long duration ex. over 2500nm. Thanks
  5. Hi guys , I wanted to know if it is possible to add in the page pilot_pubblic_profile.tpl a PHP that produces the number of the flights of long duration ex. over 2500nm. Thanks
  6. Ciao Guys , I wanted to know if you could remove the list from the page Pireps pilot_public_profile.tpl
  7. Hi guys, I wanted to know if you can add in schedule_result.tpl position of the pilot run of the last flight and also limit the choice of flights to its current position. Thanks , ciao Cargoitalia Virtual
  8. Thanks thanks , now work perfectly
  9. I'm sorry but not work
  10. Hello guys, I wanted to ask you a question about the phases of flight Kacars. My VA is a cargo airline and the stages of Kacars I would change some things: Ex, I would change phase Boarding with the Cargo Loading and other. Please ask if any of you could help me to make this change, thanks. Ciao , My VA : Cargoitalia Virtual
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