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-Nick Tyson-

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Posts posted by -Nick Tyson-

  1. Joeri, do you understand what it means to take someones thread over?

    People are stating their opinions. No need to criticize them.

    Anyways, I'm starting to find that people have a hard problem keeping a line between being realistic and being a VA. If you look a Fusion Airways for example, its hard to tell if its a real airline or a VA. Even when I was a pilot for them I had this problem. Thus the airline is going into the ground because of it.

    You need to pick. Be realistic, follow Hawaiian ops, keep pilots updated on the real airlines changes and encourage a team speak so they can all interact with each other.

  2. I remember a few years ago when the this was a useful forum, not only for the VA section, but for all parts and aspects. Now it seems like the moderators are very tyrant like. Joeri I speak to you directly. You state your opinion, which is fine, but if someone states theirs, you take opposition. On top of that, your posts don't make any sense and you can't spell. I don't see why you can't take a second to look at your spelling. But please do us all a favor and try to give to the community instead of using it for your own EGO boost.

    Thank you,

    Nick, and the other members who agree with me.

    • Like 3
  3. Andy,

    Please let me know if anything else isn't working.

    I'm working on a new theme that is a different style but will for sure work on all browsers.


    PS: Went through the download statistics, vAirline has reached over 150 members and 120 downloads of this theme. Great to hear it's getting put to use. :)

  4. No I am not looking for a "partner"....

    I'm looking for a partner for vAirline. I plan on developing vAirline into a great community resource. But I can't do it alone. I need some assistance with general coding. There's no money involved, just some fun with a project.

    If you are interested, please contact me on skype: pcapilot, or on email at nick(dot)tyson(@t)me.com.

    You will need to know PHP for this :P


  5. Maybe a different way of writing this would be a good idea. Maybe this:


    Would anyone possibly be able to point me in the right direction on how to make a custom pilot center? Or be able to assist me with making one?

    Thank you.

    • Like 1
  6. In the core_navigation.tpl file:

    Find the LI tag that you want to change the menu bar too. For example:


        <li><a href="#" >About Us</a></li>


        <li><a href="#" rel="dropmenu1">About Us</a></li>

    Will display the menu bar

    <div id="dropmenu1" class="dropmenudiv">
    <a href="#">Our Staff</a>
    <a href="#">History</a>
    <a href="#">Timeline</a>

  7. You want to be a reseller with us? If you contact me I can give you that price :) Also would you like to signup with our hosting? :)

    Edmund Kap

    I was wondering what kind of server you had, do you have a website or specs of the server? Datacenter? :)

    I don't mind paying more for a reseller, just need to find hosting without limits. I'm sure everyone here would like to know your server specs :)

  8. vairlinetemplate.png

    Here it is! The vAirline PHPVMS Template! To change the background, simply open up the CSS file, and in the body tag, you can change the background to an image, color, or both!

    Click here to download

    Click here to see a live preview

    Click here to visit vAirline


    Notice: You must retain the PHPVMS credit, and the vAirline credit.

    Edit: To those who think that you can remove the credit and not get caught... You will. Downloads are tracked via my software. Everyone so far who I have caught has also removed the credit to Nabeel.. not cool!

    • Like 1
  9. Yeah this is why you have to put in for a request to download my theme. I'm giving a paid theme, but if your not a fly night VA, you can use it as much as you want for free.

    Google how to make a CSS sidebar, I Garuntee you you'll find answers.

    Good luck. It's a fun learning curve once you get used to how it works.

  10. Ramy,

    Look at the php inside of the file. There are comments for each that tell you were to put them.

    As far as adding pictures, that's something you will have to figure out as it is different for each theme.

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