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hello friends

First of all I appreciate the help, I'm bringing an idea and I hope that the staff approves.

1 example.

I would like to see a system that at the end of each flight the pilot even gets into your email private company registered in a report of his flight as well as your log and the information already registered in the system on the performance of flight


The system is configured to result in the following information:

Toucn down - 1 to -100 the pilot will receive in your email the following information: Congratulations Pilot your landing was very good keep it up.

Tounch dowm-101 - Flight 200 = quiet, congratulations continue.

Tounch down -201 - 300 + = regular flight is necessary to improve on his landing, be careful with your approach

Tounch down more than -400 = Unfortunately your landing was a disaster careful.

It would be nice.

Another thing is to Adopt the system automatically logs Possibility That Does Not Exceed the tounch dows or -400 According to the company Those above the system clears.

Well, I hope you like it, I know it's more difficult, but this group here is the best I met in developing scripts know it's not impossible, within these reviews can put ideas and develop other more exceptional thing.

  • 2 months later...

BR: Ola Comandante.. essa ideia é excelente, alem dela estimular o piloto, faz com que ele sinta a qualidade do trabalho dele.

Acho que não seria tão dificil de ser elaborada, vou acrescentar ao meu banco de dados na tabela pireps um novo campo chamado automail, com duas condições: 0(não comentado) e 1(já comentado), e criar um while (loop) que vá percorrendo todas as rotas analisando os touchdowns e a categoria dos mesmos e indo comentando cada pirep assim que comentar alterar o campo automail para 1... Vou tentar implementar na RICO Virtual ..se der certo vou postar aqui.

Respondo em uma semana.

EN: Hello Commander .. this idea is great, besides it stimulate the pilot, makes him feel the quality of his work.

I think it would not be so hard to be drafted, I'll add to my database table in a new field called PIREPs automail with two conditions: 0 (not reviewed) and "1" (already mentioned), and create a while (loop ) to go through all the routes by analyzing the touchdowns and the category of those commenting and going each PIREP so comment automail change the field to a ... I will try to implement the RICO Virtual .. it goes well I'll post here.

Answer in a week


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