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Hello all.

I would formally like to invite you to consider joining the new VA, Global Airlines.

Global Airlines is a new Va, not limited to just 1 airline, but a multitude of airlines spanning the globe.

I am currently finishing the website and adding routes. Most will be updated this coming weekend, however, some routes and data are available now.

Here is what Global Airlines has to offer pilots:

1. Career. Everyone starts small. After your first flight, you may take the 1st flight exam, and if you pass, will get the badge added to your profile and the clearance now to fly larger aircraft. As you progress through the ranks, you can take additional exams, for larger aircraft, and to show everyone how much you know as a pilot!

2. Choice. When you register, you select your main airline and your hub you wish. However, you are not limited to the routes that you may fly. Simply go to the route search, and choose any airline that you wish to fly for!

3. Community. I am trying to build a new large community of flight simmers. In the coming weeks, I will be adding downloads, additional programs, and more.

I invite anyone interested to have a look and please consider joining. I am currently looking for several people to help run the site as staff, and also will be putting the finishing touches on the forum.

So thank you for your time. If you have any questions or to ask about the staff positions, please PM me.

Thank you, and thanks for flying Global Airlines!


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