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VA Central no changes at my airline


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Hello together!

VA-Central stops since aprox 4 days (it starts with an error, shows flights without dep-arr) updating rigth. i get no score but a few flights done every day.

Pireps not match witch the flights( flights 18 and pireps 34?). only flighthours, schedules and pilots match rigth.

The ranking goes down.i tried wipe out all data, but without a success (only pirep list shows now right). :unsure:

I checked out local.cfg but everything is right there.


Thx for help


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looking at your site the last flight was aboud 4 hours agao on vacentral and on your site its stating only 1 flight today.

ich habe mall gegukt auf ieren hp da war 1 flugh hoite etaw 4 stunden geleden.

Jep, but saturday, sunday, was more flights an nothing happend. friday ago everything was fine, got score aso. that´s why i´m wondering.the last days no score and no yesterday´s score.

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Hmm, i think i figure out what was going wrong. After a test period from my VA, i reset all test pireps, hours. And start operations. But the database from VA Central stored my 34 testpirep entries and whipe out only the hours and flights. I delete my VA and create again. I´ll think that´s now working well. ;)

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