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We would like to inform you that Royles Virtual Airline requests repaint manager.

We could do with someone ASAP As we are hoping to open in 3 weeks am sorting all the behind the scenes stuff eg routes pages and sooo on

so i really need a fleet painter manager

Fleet painter

This job is voluntary but u have a great role also workin as a board of director so you will have a big say in the airline


The fleet painter is responsible for painting our fleet and updating old fleet paints

They are also responsible to test the repainted aircraft before releasing it to pilots.

With this job you will be placed on our board of directors


*Must have experience of painting aircraft's

*Must be able to check email 3 times a week

*Must have good communication skills

We need at least 4 to 5 planes painted before we open in 3 weeks this includes B737-800, B747-400, Airbus_A321, CRJ-700

To Apply

If you are interested in this position and are fully capable of meeting the requirements, please contact the CEO at hr@royles.eu with the following information:

* Name

* E-mail

* Position you are applying for

* A screen shot of one of your repaints

or let me know on here

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