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New VA website that needs help


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First off I would like to introduce myself.... I'm Vincent and i am the COO/Webmaster for the newly launched VA, JavelinAir. I have never used phpVMS before nor am I good with css.. So far I have managed to setup a teamspeak and forum for our VA and install the phpVMS on our website (www.javelinair.com), do the necessary adjustments such as adjusting the callsigns, writing a welcome message, and etc.... Now my biggest problem is creating a skin for it, adding 2 modules (teamspeak and forums). I have watched the tutorial videos and still find it so hard to do this.

I would appreciate it if someone out there would be able to give me a hand to get our site up and running. I can be reached by email at vacierto@gmail.com

Many Thanks in advance

Vincent Acierto

COO - JavelinAir


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