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Hey guys,

I'm in the process of creating a VA(obviously...) and wanted to know your opinions.

Which type of VA attracts more pilots?:

A fully fictional VA

A VA named after and modeled after a real VA

A VA with a fictional name but one that flies real world callsigns

Right now, I'm leaning toward the last choice. I want my pilots to have the freedom to use the callsign of the airline that they want, the skin of that airline, and have the freedom to fly to more airports than a fictional VA or single real world VA would fly to.

I'd really like to know what you think,


  • Moderators

moving it to va discussions.

as for your question its something you prefer by sourself some like the first some the second and some the third


Thanks for the reply, Kyle.

I originally wanted to go with the first one but I absolutely hate repainting aircraft and don't want to pay people to repaint all the aircraft(25+ different types, even more counting the different FS models).

A majority of the real world airlines already have extremely successful VA's though so I see no reason to create another one.

Thanks again!

  • Moderators

The tip though, don't create a VA that is already existed, it would be likely a potential of not getting members enough. Unless how your VA is different and better than the same ones

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