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Hi. Maybe I posted the following lines in a wrong forum, some years ago, so I'm gonna paste them below, hoping to get some cues.

Regards and thanks


Hi, I'm looking for a software which could help a VSOG (Virtual Special Operations Group) to manage fleet, and pilots in a similar way FSAirlines does, allowing to have and track individual aircrafts with particular register numbers, located in a particular place each time, as well as maintainance, risk of having any kind of failure due to bad maintainance or due to, for example going beyond the aircraft limitations. A way to enhance and provide realism to a virtual Airforce Base, based on its real counterpart

FSAirlines matches almost all features that I'm looking for, but

1) It's commercial-aviation oriented, and its main goal is to obtain benefits based on transporting people and cargo. Military flights are very expensive, and there's no way to make the VA to earn any kind of benefits.

2) There could be a turnarround for point 1) If I enable inside de "FS-Airlines VSOG" a transport unit, which main goal is to finance the military section, the Virtual Military Base could survive. But, as far as I know, FSAIrlines does not allow any kind of military aircraft inside its network

I discovered recently PHPVMS, which can read ACARS from FSACARS or FsPassenger among other

I wonder if I could accomplish my goals using PHPVMS

With fleet/pilots management I mean:

For example I have 5 F5 fighters with registration numbers AE00001, AE00002, AE00002, AE00003, AE00004 and AE00005

And 3 pilots: Pilot1, Pilot2, Pilot3

In Airbase1 there are, for example AE00001 and AE00002 both with 98% and 99% "health"

Pilot1 is in Airbase1, and take AE00001, and fly to Airbase2. Then Pilot1 and AE00001 will be transfered (due to the fly) to Airbase2, and AE00001 won't be available any more in Airbase1

And the same for AE0000[2-5].

So, each aircraft is "individual" and unique, and is located in a particular place each time.

This feature could allow to plan missions based on aircrafts and pilots locations, ranks, etc, etc

I could accomplish this task using FSAirlnes, but as far a I know the do not allow military aircrafts

(Of course the other features of these Acars software are important as well: flight logs, flightr parameters recording, pilot earns, etc.)

Any cue will be welcome

Regards abd thanks in advance

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