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How did you manage to get a NON-Profit licence off teamspeak if you sell team speaks for profit ?

This is a free one that is not for sale. Free to use for everyone.

For the ones we sell, we use Paid-Licences


Yes, but you can only have one licence per company. You must not advertise your services on your server as that breaches the non-profit licence policy.

You can have one Non-Profit Licence per company. So that you can host your own Non-Profit server that anyone can use and where you don't ask money for...

Other servers we rent are under paid licences... For each Server you rent you will need to get a new paid licence from Teamspeak.

This Server is Public and nobody needs to pay for it to use it. So Non-Profit.

If you want your own private / public server where you and only you admin is... Then you have to pay for a Real server with an paid licence from Teamspeak...

Get it? :)...

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