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I just wanted to remind you that VAFlash.com is open and is always accepting news articles for your VA's. Besides being posted on VAFlash.com it's also automatically placed on your VA's VACental page. In addition, the article is tweeted out on Twitter and also cross posted on Facebook.

I look forward to working with the CEO's or PR guys from your VA to help get the good word out about your Airline!

If you would like to submit news, please send it to editor@vaflash.com .

Make sure your article contains about 100-300 words and the URL of your web site. Please also use proper spelling, punctuation and grammar. All titles and posts may be edited by VAFLASH staff before release.

Depending on the news’ quality it will be posted, usually within 24-48 hours.

VACentral TAGS

Make sure you include your VA’s VACentral tag in your information.

You can find your VACentral tag by going to your VA page on VACentral. The URL will contain your VACentral TAG. For example, Kesuk Charters’ TAG is ksk_kesukcharters

By including this tag, your VAFlash news will show up on your VA’s VACentral page!!


Best Regards,

Lindle Romero



Twitter: http://twitter.com/vaflashsite

Facebook: http://facebook.com/VAFlash


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