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About This File

New Release


This is a collection of 7699 Airports for phpVMS 7

this can be uploaded to your phpvms 7 website


this file is completely free, if you wish to donate towards my time in converting this you can do so by PayPal. 


PayPal michaeltrickett27@gmail.com

Edited by MichaelTrickett
New file - that can be directly imported

What's New in Version 2   See changelog


Updates Country Codes to their two letter,

removed all /n 


This new file can be uploaded directly into phpVMS 7 through the admin panel 

User Feedback

Recommended Comments



Dear Michael, unfortunately your airport file may cause problems with v7 during usage (not during import).


Instead of using the same IATA code for airports not recognized by IATA, you should be leaving that field empty (v7 allows null iata codes as it is not required). Also you have an airport with `\N` as ICAO code, which is strange. This will cause problems 'cause ICAO code is necessary and must be unique, `\N` is not something suitable as an id.


// Example from your file;
KGKY,\N,Arlington Municipal Airport,Arlington,United States,America/Chicago,,32.66389847,-97.09429932,,,,,

// Proper csv format (with null iata and ISO country code)
KGKY,,Arlington Municipal Airport,Arlington,US,America/Chicago,,32.66389847,-97.09429932,,,,,

// This is not right too;
\N,\N,Sun Island Resort and SPA,South Aari Atoll,Maldives,America/Sao_Paulo,,3.488334,72.862989,,,,,


Additionally having countries with ISO 2 Letter codes was the preferred / standard way, having them imported with full names may cause compatibility issues too. (By default, v7 lookup imports them with ISO codes)



Other than above mentioned issues, it looks fine. At least for someone trying to import lots of airports at once instead of having them automatically looked up and added whenever required/necessary.


Hope this helps.

  • Thanks 1


Thank you for this information, I am going to edit the About This File to to allow people to still have access but with your recommendations for change, 

In the meantime I will work on the changes myself and upload a updated file once I have a minute. 

This is just from my personal Virtual Airline, and I thought I would share as I know the pain of looking up airports one by one. 

I have not noticed any problems with it as of yet but I will keep an eye on my own server. 


Thank you 



You do not need to lookup airports one by one @MichaelTrickett, as explained in the pinned guides you can just import your flight schedule. phpVMS v7 is capable of auto lookup for airports and adding them to your database with proper information.


Please check your settings and check the guides ;)


Safe flights

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