As the error is related with a core feature (direct communication between acars client and phpvms v7 itself), it can not be related with any Dispo addon as my addons do not alter core/communication files. Dispo Theme only displays the map created by phpvms, only the look of the page is different.
In the other topic same/similar error was reported, and the admin did not provided any details for debugging What I can assume from the error is, somehow the coordinates are not being recorded at all or not being recorded properly (faulty9, by the acars software being used (either vmsAcars or any other solution) thus the map is failing to create a geographic location properly.
To better understand this error, we need to re-create or live debug during a flight (while the error is happening) @Aorly1, the data transferred by acars client and the data recorded to the database needs to be checked live (by some debug lines added to some files and then then inspecting the log to spot the differences).
Additionally we can suspect the server dropping/altering http post data during a forced redirect (imagine like the server uses https, server has a forced redirection from http to https, client is configured to use http by the pilot). This needs to be checked too.
Hope this helps.