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DisposableHero last won the day on July 20

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    Antalya, TR
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    Aviation, Flight Planning, Electronics

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  1. There is a setting at admin side for this, works only if your cron is working properly. Admin > Settings ... Acars group, Live Time Set it to something like 2 or 3 (hours) according to your needs.
  2. Hi @CartesianPixels, The "issues" you mention are all related to your phpvms v7 settings and not theme or addon related (also not related with acars), therefore I would kindly request you to spare some time and pay attention to the guides published here in this forum about initial setup. Most probably you are restricting yourself with settings thus not able to see any flights or aircraft. Hope this helps
  3. And if that settings is enabled, it works (during calculations) so nothing wrong in there. Displaying them combined is theme related.
  4. This topic may help to get download links of latest dev (development) builds
  5. It is clearly stated in theme readme (literally it is the third line), that it needs a much recent build compared to your phpvms v7 (which is beta.5 and almost a year old). So in theory, you have two options; 1. Keep your current build (beta5) and stick with default theme (or you can use older builds of Disposable Theme which are compatible with beta5) 2. Update your phpvms v7 to the latest development build and use latest addons/themes I would prefer the second option Good luck
  6. No It is not possible at the moment (and I am not sure about future development for this). vmsAcars does not write values , it only reads them from the simulator whenever needed. It is a pilots responsibility to load his/her aircraft properly before starting a flight and releasing parking brakes for pushback (or similar in helicopter ops)
  7. Then either they are not telling the truth or you are missing something! Because when configured properly mails do work, I can say you that and provide evidence to prove that Check your logs for errors and please follow the docs for required details when requesting help. Good luck
  8. https://docs.phpvms.net/config/email#smtp-configuration It simply says ; For detailed settings about host, port and encryption details please check your hosting control panel (or VPS). These settings are not generic and can differ between hosting companies, even on a custom VPS these settings are local to your install (packages installed etc.) Therefore there a no generic examples for SMTP and mail settings. Just don't forget to clear application cache when you make .env changes.
  9. Check item no 3 in that guide, it may help or provide enough clues Good luck
  10. Nice idea and tool for keeping stuff (and staff) under control
  11. The setting is at vmsAcars module at phpvms admin area, and it should be disabled until MSFS/Asobo provides a solution for the bug so 3rd party application can track (and allow) pauses.
  12. Everything explained, including Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), in downloads section. Please spare some time and read it carefully. https://forum.phpvms.net/files/file/39-disposable-extended-pack/
  13. No, I am not sure what you want to do with DispoBasic but you still need to use the phpvms v7 admin to do management stuff. My modules are not replacing core features, they add new features, outputs and pages only.
  14. You are doing something wrong then Double check the folders, folder names etc. It is pretty much simple and straight forward stuff.
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