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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/17/19 in Posts

  1. You can simply create the 360 images with an easy php script: <?php $count = 0; while ($count < 360){ $filename = 'orig.png'; $rotang = -$count; // Rotation angle $source = imagecreatefrompng($filename) or die('Error opening file '.$filename); imagealphablending($source, false); imagesavealpha($source, true); $rotation = imagerotate($source, $rotang, imageColorAllocateAlpha($source, 0, 0, 0, 127)); imagealphablending($rotation, false); imagesavealpha($rotation, true); header('Content-type: image/png'); imagepng($rotation, "rotate/{$count}.png"); imagedestroy($source); imagedestroy($rotation); $count = $count + 1; } ?> Put this php file into a directory and add a folder called rotate and name your original image orig.png and make sure it is oriented this way: (PLEASE! Don't just use our inair icon Be creative and create one of your own. It isn't that hard) Upload it to the directory you have saved the folder the php file is in and run the script. If everything worked out as it should you will have 360 images in your rotate folder, already named according to the phpvms way . You only have to put these into the innair folder. This is how everything worked out for me.
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