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Viewing Topic: REALScheduleLite beta 1.0 [DEPRECATED]
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Viewing Topic: APVAcars Login Error
Viewing Topic: Chabahar Virtual Airline
Viewing Topic: Airport Table
Viewing Topic: Errors On site rendering site unusable
Viewing Topic: Xplane
Viewing Topic: [SOLVED} Powweb
Viewing Topic: Error: (1406) - Data too long for column 'lat' at row 1 (SOLVED)
Viewing Topic: automatic fillings of flights
Viewing Topic: problem with accept / reject or add comment in admin
Viewing Topic: Strict Standards errors
1 minute ago
Viewing Online User List
Viewing Topic: xAcars problems
Viewing Topic: Tour Module Display Question
Viewing Topic: Date pilot joined
Viewing Topic: Looking for a (paid) web developer to fix some issues on our phpVMS website
Viewing Topic: V7 installation not working
Viewing Topic: How to fix this
Viewing Topic: Badge question.
Creating Topic in: Code Snippets
Viewing Topic: Navaids; Route Map
Viewing Topic: Possible Bug (More Likely an issue with my host)
Viewing Topic: Duplicate Flight Numbers Schedule Import
2 minutes ago
Viewing Topic: Error while filing acars report
Viewing Topic: Another flight
Viewing Topic: phpVMS (phpVMS 5.5.2 updated for PHP 7.2)