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Everything posted by Charlieg

  1. I have searched for this Spaces Export etc but can't find any hits. If I export our Flight Schedules to update them then import them in CSV format the next time I export them I get a space infront of the Arrival time, if I then export again I get two spaces, then three. Then it stops adding the spaces. Is this a known problem?
  2. I have searched and can't find the answer to this question. When you start a flight you have say 10,000lbs on board, you then land and have 2,000 on board. Now there is obviously some fuel used for Taxi as the 10,000lbs is on takeoff and the 2,000lbs is on landing. Which makes sense, but the 2,000lbs I take it is not counted as an expense to the Airline only fuel used with some calculations for Taxi? Is this correct?
  3. I have searched and can't find the answer to this question. When you start a flight you have say 10,000lbs on board, you then land and have 2,000 on board. Now there is obviously some fuel used for Taxi as the 10,000lbs is on takeoff and the 2,000lbs is on landing. Which makes sense, but the 2,000lbs I take it is not counted as an expense to the Airline only fuel used with some calculations for Taxi? Is this correct?
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