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- 41 replies
These instructions should work Note: Make sure to make the changes in the skin you're currently using.
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 34 replies
Hi guys... PHP 5.x series has been deprecated as we all know, and with cPanel now dropping support as of Jan 2018, that is going to put a lot into a bind. So I've been working on bringing up that compatibility level. First step is making sure that everything is backwards compatible, so it would be great if people can test and report back issues. I recommend creating a duplicate of your site, and applying updates. I'm trying to make as few changes as possible for now to make diffs easier. The branch is here: It'll be easier to just keep updates and notes to this thread here. Thanks!
Last reply by carzzpeter, -
- 0 replies
Thanks to @DisposableHero Github master file has been changed to accommodate IPv6 IP addresses. New installs after the date/time of this post will be set up for IPv4 and IPv6 IP addresses. Previous installs can update to allow IPv6 addresses by running the SQL queries below. Both are needed. 25 chars will not be enough to store v6 addresses. It should be at least 45 chars to avoid errors. So during install, setting ip related column length as varchar(45) may solve future issues with new members using ipv6. Also for current users of your release, running simple sql queries may help to sol…
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 84 replies
EDIT - Only use if your hosting does not support PHP 8.1 or higher. If your host supports PHP 8.1 or higher, use phpVMS v7. Present users of phpVMS v2/v5 should use the legacy import feature of phpVMS v7. New VAs should install phpVMS v7. After much time and effort fixing errors, I now have phpVMS 5.5.2 working successfully on PHP 7.2. My live site has been running this for over 3 months. The installation program has now been updated to be able to install under PHP 7.2 as well. After much testing, including by several members here, I decided to release this version to the community. Here's a link to the program at github:…
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 72 replies
Hi all, This has gone through a couple of rounds of testing, and seems to be working. The instructions are here: Make sure to make the changes in the skin that you're currently using. Luckily, changes aren't too bad or complicated.
Last reply by YusufBudi, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Howdy! So I was actually going through the Forums... Went through some posts discussing about SSL Certificates for phpVMS. You don't actually need any Module to force SSL. Just need to edit some lines of Codes So I'll tell you how to use phpVMS 5.5.x with SSL so that your Login Data is Secured. Please NOTE I have divided this Tutorial into two Parts, One for New Installers and another for the who are already using phpVMS. FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE INSTALLING PHPVMS FOR THE FIRST TIME 1) Install SSL on Domain (First Things First) 2) Install phpVMS in root, subfolder (You can even make it a Subdomain Like 3) Trig…
Last reply by Yash, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Some sites are not working because of doing on PHP 5.4+. There are some changes that need to be made, luckily pretty simple. If you haven't modified anything, look at: The php70 branch (default, download here: is updated to support PHP 7+ If you're on the 5.x version, you should be fine. action.php Find ~Line 46: error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); Change to: error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_STRICT); core/local.config.php Find (~L139): Config::Set('ERROR_LEVEL', E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); Change to: Config::Set('ERROR_LEVEL', E_ALL…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 45 replies
Hello all, I know lots of you have been annoyed with the absence of the airport lookup function in PHPvms.. well at least I was! So, in a bid to save time not just for myself but also for you, I've recreated a service that provides the same functionality with minimal changes but some extra data All you have to do is this: 1) Go to your local.config.php / app.config.php to change your phpvms_api_server to .. if you haven't already 2) Go to /admin/lib/phpvmsadmin.js and scroll to line 250 where it says: url = phpvms_api_server + "/airport/get/" + icao + "&callback=?"; replace it with: url = phpvms_api_server …
Last reply by Parkho, -
- 1 follower
- 25 replies
Hello, the website is out of service, it has several errors
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
We have an issue we can not solve and need assistance please. We have a flight which is displaying on our Live Flight Board from a pilot that was removed/deleted. This is messing up how the Live Flight Map/Live acars Map is displaying. I have deleted the flight from phpvms_acarsdata which fixes the issue for a few minutes, then the flight just reappears after a few minutes which then messes up the maps again. Could anyone please assist us in resolving this issue. We are using: phpVMS Version simpilot 5.5.2 Custom Kacars
Last reply by Parkho, -
- 4 replies
Shalom and greetings tech support, I have no problem using your fine ASCARS to fly for virtual airline. However, I cannot figure out how to get few airlines into SINGLE Ascars. I fly for Alaska Adventures at and for Pacific Northwest Cargo I am told by the owner of both virtual airlines mentioned above that I can use choice of the two virtual airlines in SINGLE Ascars but I cannot figure out how. I installed ASCARS for PNW and it worked well. I installed ASCARS for AKA but it switched to AKA and did not show PNW in the same ASCARS. How do I get more than one virtual airline in SINGLE Ascars, pl…
Last reply by Aharon, -
- 2 replies
Hello; Looking for a professional designer phpvms website skin and matching crew center. I would like to get an estimate for making a skin for phpvms 5.5.2. I am looking for a clean modern sleek with drop down menus, stats to include total cargo carried and matching pilot and/or crew center. Skins similarly as shown in , and . Will need access to the phpvms admin center. My airline is American Global Alliance Virtual. This va encompasses fleet, routes from real cargo/freight airlines such as UPS, FEDEX, Polar, Western Global, and more. Also a skin or site that comes with specif…
Last reply by Bushman, -
- 2 replies
Hello guys, I am running into a situation I have never seen before in PHP VMS (and I have seen quite a bit). Some script is bypassing the Recaptcha at the registration page and consistently registering new pilots at a fairly high rate (like 50 in 15 minutes). If I put the VA in Maintenance mode the issue stops but as soon as I reopen it restarts...... Not sure how to contain this or where to start looking for issues. Any help would be very appreciated so thanks in advance
Last reply by William, -
- 2 replies
hello, im completely stumped, if you see my webpage you'll see the "route map" below the map i added in (continuous work going on) I tried my code as a different name and there is no "route map" so my next question im going to ask is where is that route map coming from, what interconnected paret that isnt even in my coding is calling that code? what the heck is going on lol
Last reply by swaluver480, -
- 10 replies
Hi, I am trying to get skins on my website but all I seem to be getting is white screens with writing. Even with the most basic to install like deep blue. I am using Phpvms 5.5.2. Can anyone help please? Much appreciated below is the example of StislaSkin skin. I have tried clear blue also with the same results. whej trying deep blue I was able to get other pages to work like pilots page but not the home page
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 reply
Hello everyone! I accidentally deleted the download database. I would like, please, can you share with me the file (.sql) to create the download database again. Thank you.
Last reply by swaluver480, -
- 1 reply
I am wondering if there is a way to change the default sort order of the roster from pilot id to a more complex order like rank -> pilot id or rank -> hours flown? Essentially looking to have the more senior members at the top of the roster regardless of join date or id number alone.
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 2 replies
This is what comes up. Can anyone please can't seem to figure it out
Last reply by swaluver480, -
- 8 replies
hello, does anyone know how to draw a line (route) or follow the plane using OpenStreetMap.Mapnik (leaflet).. ive searche dan dsearch but to no avail. thanks you
Last reply by swaluver480, -
- 5 replies
Hello, I have imported a schedule that has 10900 flight legs/segments, I have figured out that it imports all 10900 of them but it doesn't show all of them on the view schedule tab of the admin side and doesnt display all of them on smartcars. I am wonder if there is a maxium number of routes that the system can handle, and to get that number would be great if there is. if there isnt what would be the work around? example: i have 4 routes (flt #105 KLGA-KSTL days of the week (12345)) (flt #105 KLGA-KSTL days of the week (0 and or 7)) (Flt#105 KSTL-KMDW days of the week (12345)) (FLT#105 KPIT-KMDW days of the week ( 6)) …
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 14 replies
Hello, I know I have found it in here before but I've spent about an hour searching various things to see if I could find the thread again with no luck. How do I set my settings to accept multiple flights with the same number? Basically when I upload the .csv for schedules and have 2-4 flights with the same number, how do I ensure they all get added instead of the second one overwriting the first and leaving only one in the system. For example: Flight #45 flies BOS-JFK and then returns JFK-BOS as #45 as well. After uploading the .csv file and by searching #45, I can only get JFK-BOS as that has updated over the BOS-JFK route. Thank you!
Last reply by swaluver480, -
- 0 replies
Hello, Ive been trying to search and seach, and maybe my keywords are off but im trying to get it to where there is a flown route behind the aircraft on the livemap for live flights. and as well as a predicted flight route following the planned route. such as in flight aware.
Last reply by swaluver480, -
- 1 reply
Hello, every time i update my Virtual airlines webpage somehow someway i have to clear my cache in order to see it, is there a setting in the config files for this to stop or have it auto clear the cache. im more scared of when we update something that we are gonna have to tell our pilots to clear their cache after we update the site. any info would be great to overcome this
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 3 replies
hello, I screwed up and accidently made it so i can ever access the admin to change the skin, i was wondering if there was a way to change the skin via cpanel and or a backway intro the admin to change the skin. i downloaded a HTML5 that was supposed to work with PHPvms but it broke it entirely. any help will do
Last reply by swaluver480, -
- 1 reply
Good morning, afternoon or evening in the give case! 😀 I'm currently working on the awards for the VA that I belong in phpVMS 5.5.72 andit came to my attention that the awards are arranged in a random order, I was wondering if there exists a method by which the awards can be organized, potentially utilizing the database ID as a means of classification. Thank you.
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Good Day, I am using phpVMS via TFDI systems webhosting. I am having multiple issues with uploading or creating an airport. I tried to import them and the system recognises the Airports but nothing happens. When I try to add a single airport and use the fetching option also nothing happens. Also I am having problems with the reCaptcha how can I solve it? I hope you can help me with my problems. Kind Regards Daniel
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 reply
Hey so I have added planes to PHPVMS and have added a test flight now the flight shows up in the acars client but I am running into an issue where I cannot select an aircraft as none are showing up in the acars client. anyone know why this might be? ***Update: got it working forgot to add planes to subfleet!**
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 7 replies
I know the says that it installs on PHP7.2, and may install on PHP7.0 or 7.1, but what if my only PHP options are 5.6 or 7.3? The readme says it won't work on 7.3+, but are there any plans on actually making it compatible?
Last reply by Strider, -
- 7 replies
Good day Our Live flight board is not working since we started our VA. Neither the map or the current flights in the tab below works. I have read a few posts on the forum and tried many inputs but I am still lost on what to do. I have installed a theme onto the VA in the hopes that the crystal theme is faulty but it seems that it did not work. Our live map on the main page seems to work and flight log book page with map of pilots own flights work as well. Any suggestions or help will be appreciated.
Last reply by Strider, -
- 8 replies
Hey everyone So, since it seems that crazy creatives is not answering, I thought maybe someone here will have an idea. I got the flight tracker thingy from crazy creatives and installed it, however the map insn't showing up and a "snail trail" on a live map also isn't showing up. I was wondering do I need to convert google maps to OSM or did I just not install something correctly? Thank you.
Last reply by MarlonM,