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Everything posted by roboa

  1. checkinstall.php: checkdb.php: phpVMS Virtual Airline Administration Software Database Check
  2. PHP version 5.2.13 and seeing as I don't have the issue with localhost through the same browser (firefox) I'm gonna guess cookies and sessions are allowed. edit: If anybody wants to view the issue to get a better idea please feel free to send me a pm.
  3. Hi all, I really just can't work out what's going on here at all. I'm logged into the site, yet, when I click on the link back to the hompage, the pilot links that appear when logged in (in place of login boxes) just go back to the login boxes. This leads you to believe you have been logged out however when you use the boxes and log back in you get told you were already logged in!? Another issue, which I presume is linked to this, when you click on the link for the admin panel you are asked to "please login first". This only happens on the live site and not on my offline localhost development site. FF errors are: Any help is appreciated!
  4. Thanks Nabeel!!
  5. Ok, any ideas from these erros? : Warning: Error in parsing value for 'top'. Declaration dropped. Source File: http://localhost/xl/lib/css/phpvms.css Line: 116 Warning: Error in parsing value for 'filter'. Declaration dropped. Source File: http://localhost/xl/lib/css/phpvms.css Line: 212 Error: GIcon is not defined Source File: http://localhost/xl/lib/js/phpvms.js Line: 21 Error: GIcon is not defined Source File: http://localhost/xl/lib/js/phpvms.js Line: 21 Error: XML tag name mismatch (expected meta) Source File: http://localhost/xl/index.php/schedules/Scripts/AC_RunActiveContent.js Line: 29, Column: 2 Source Code: </head>
  6. It is when I'm logged in. What I should have made more clear is that im getting the By dep/arr/ac etc. in list format instead of in the tab formats. Thanks though Nabeel!
  7. Hi guys, I can't get the schedule tabs to show up either with a custom skin or the default skin. Any ideas why this may be? If it makes a difference this is currently being run on localhost. thanks!
  8. It'll work in a stylesheet or in the head whichever. But it is a bit neater in a stylesheet, thats the only difference
  9. cheers Nabeel! I really appreciate it
  10. This code is for the phpBB forums and it does work but it leaves the user inactive and they're username is [first name][lastname][pilot no.]. How can I put gaps between that stuff and get the user active? This is the code I have in the ForumRegister module as ForumRegister.php <?php class ForumRegister extends CodonModule { public function __construct() { CodonEvent::addListener('ForumRegister'); } public function EventListener($eventinfo) { if($eventinfo[0] == 'registration_complete') { $userinfo = $eventinfo[2]; $fname = $userinfo['firstname']; $lname = $userinfo['lastname']; $pass = $userinfo['password1']; $email = $userinfo['email']; $code = $userinfo['code']; //mysql_query("INSERT INTO phpbb_users (username, user_password, group_id, user_timezone, user_dst, user_lang, user_type, user_actkey, user_dateformat, user_style, user_regdate) VALUES ($userr, $pass, '2','1.0', '0','en','0','','d M Y H:i', '1', time())"); $get_uinfo = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM phpvms_pilots WHERE firstname='".$fname."' AND lastname='".$lname."' AND email='".$email."'"); echo "Result Select: ".mysql_error()."<br>"; $uinfo = mysql_fetch_array( $get_uinfo ); //echo "Uinfo: ".$uinfo['pilotid']; $str = $uinfo['pilotid']; $pilot_id = str_pad ($str,4,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT); $pilot_id = $fname.$lname.$code.$pilot_id; $pilot_id_klein = strtolower($pilot_id); //echo "Pass: ".$pass."<br>"; $passMD5 = md5($pass); //echo "Pass MD5: ".$passMD5."<br>"; echo "PilotID: ".$str."<br>"; $tm = time(); mysql_query("INSERT INTO phpbb_users (username, username_clean, user_password, user_email, group_id, user_timezone, user_dst, user_rank, user_lang, user_colour, user_type, user_actkey, user_dateformat, user_style, user_regdate) VALUES ('".$pilot_id."', '".$pilot_id_klein."', '".$passMD5."', '".$email."', '9','0.0', '0', '2','en','0099FF','1','5BN4938HB2','D M d, Y g:i a', '2', '".$tm."')"); //mysql_query("INSERT INTO phpbb_users (username, user_password) VALUES ('".$pilot_id."', '".md5($userinfo['password'])."')"); //echo "Result: ".mysql_error()."<br>"; //print_r($userinfo); } } } ?> cheers, roboa p.s I have phpBB and phpVMS in the same db if it helps
  11. here you go mate. stick this in the <head> part of the page: A:link {text-decoration: none; color: #858585;} A:visited {text-decoration: none; color: #858585;} A:active {text-decoration: none; color: #858585;} A:hover {text-decoration: none; color: #ffffff;}
  12. yep
  13. The routemap I'm trying to call it into another page
  14. If you're using something like frontpage or dreamweaver then you dont. In fact all you need to make the template is HTML which you then skin into the site. Trust me it's very easy. And you need to know HTML as a bare minimum to create any site
  15. I presume your ok with skinning? You just want to make your entire page design including your drop down and then use all that to skin phpvms. For all I know, your design could mean that the menu goes in the footer.tpl! This is a good resource of drop down menus for you: http://dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex1/indexc.html If you need any specific help skinning I'll do my best to help you out if you send me a pm
  16. These are the errors I get: Warning: Missing argument 1 for RouteMap::ShowMap(), called in /home/fcava./public_html/core/classes/MainController.class.php on line 295 and defined in /home/fcava./public_html/core/modules/RouteMap/RouteMap.php on line 39 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/fcava./public_html/core/modules/RouteMap/RouteMap.php on line 50 Warning: Division by zero in /home/fcava./public_html/core/modules/RouteMap/RouteMap.php on line 74 Warning: Division by zero in /home/fcava./public_html/core/modules/RouteMap/RouteMap.php on line 75
  17. I became impatient doing this with the core_navigation.tpl so just added the links manually into a menu I put in my header.tpl
  18. Cheers Nabeel, got that working all nicely now! I'm trying to call the routemap to a page now and am using this: <?php MainController::Run("RouteMap", "ShowMap"); ?> Now, it sort of works and does bring up a google map but with no information and some joyful errors Is there anyway I can modify that to make it work?
  19. Ok, so I now have a file called test.htm in the core/pages folder with this content in it: <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <title>test</title> </head> <body> <?php echo "Hello, this is a test of the page test.php!!"; ?> </body> </html> So the address for the page would be http://fcava.co.uk/index.php/pages/test but it displays the no page error. When I try to add the page through the admin panel I get this error: Warning: fopen(/home/fcava./public_html/core/pages/phptest.htm) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/fcava./public_html/core/common/SiteData.class.php on line 255 cheers, roboa
  20. roboa


    Ok, well cheers for that Nabeel
  21. I would love this feature for our VA but are there any significant errors in the beta?
  22. Are you trying to use it using the core_navigation.tpl? I tried this but in the end just built it into my header.tpl and added the links manually.
  23. I've put 2 pages in the pages folder which contain this php: <?php echo "Hello, this is a test of the page test.php!!"; ?> One file is test2.php and the other is just test.htm and neither will show. I just get the page missing alert. Am I doing something wrong? cheers, roboa
  24. roboa


    Ok, so that would enable the text to be moved and edited? Also can this be expected in the next update? roboa P.S Off topic but, is there a messaging feature planned for phpvms?
  25. roboa


    Ok, well is there a way to edit the text?
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