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Posts posted by JHAir

  1. Hello Again, let me put it that way

    Since 2008 we had two AC, each 50000 per month - that means 100000 totally


    Now (in May) we bought a third one and added another 50000 per month - that means 150000 totally


    The problem is that effects all previous months too. Is there some kind a mistake in the phpVMS system or what is the problem?


    Maybe there is something wrong with my database (phpvms_financedata)

    It starts like:

    Id 1  2  2009  :a:7:{s:5:"total";d:-88569;s:13:"totalexpenses";i:1...  l-88569

    and ends like: (month number doesnt change until then)

    Id 84  2  2009  a:7:{s:5:"total";d:-88569;s:13:"totalexpenses";i:1...  -88569

    Id 85 3 2009 a:7:{s:5:"total";d:-13773;s:13:"totalexpenses";i:1... -13773

    Id 86 4 2009 a:7:{s:5:"total";d:153219;s:13:"totalexpenses";i:1... 153219

  2. Thanks, Ill try it, my mistake entirely, when I started, I just didnt see a reason why to do it so as told.

    One more thing with this new, very good feature, called transfer hrs.

    We had many pilots with more than 2000 hrs before joining VA and the requirement to be a Captain was at least 2000hrs. So I modified these pilot hrs manually to get all the ratings right. Now I can use this transfer hrs feature for this BUT pilot ranks are related to the "VA hrs". So in conclusion - all captains suddenly became students, cause none of the pilots have flown so much hrs as 2000 in our VA yet.

    I would reccomend to relate ratings to total hrs (VA hrs +  transfer hrs as show on the pilots list) or more better - do it so that VA manager can decide ratings by himself (not related to the hrs at all).

  3. Hello!

    When I downloaded the "update.zip" it also includes files that are not updated (not mentioned in the changelog), so if I upload all these files it will also overwrite files that are modified by me, for example, most of the templates and so on. So it is quite hard work to get everything to work in correct way again. Also when doing this "restore" operation I may also accidentally overwrite some new flies with older backup files, in order to get the site to look like it used to be before the update. So to sum up, at the moment the update caused more problems than solved, for me.

    If it is possible, in next update, please DO NOT add files that are not updated, or just let me know if I am doing anything in a wrong way, cause it is clearly stated that "Upload all of the files so your site".


  4. One more thing.

    I have no idea what is the problem but I find it impossible to delete "pages" and "expenses" and so on.

    And If im changing some expenses, for example if I sell an aircraft, so I dont need to pay a lease anymore. Editing this expense, for example to a zero, has an effect on last months economy also (If it is monthly paid).

    And it would be very nice if pilots could enter the number of passengers into the pireps by themselvs :)

  5. Hello to everyone!

    One of our airline pilots wanted to change he´s password and after change, phpVMS system told him to wait for admin approval - so he didnt access the webpage anymore, neither with old or new password.

    So I went to the admin page and found out new "pending pilot". What I did? I went to the active pilots page, changed he´s password manually and then rejected this so called "pending pilot" (I thought that it is some kind a bug). It also deleted the active user and also all pireps and other data.


    1.Why users need an administrator approval to change their passwords?

    2.Why it is shown as a pending pilot?

    3.And if I want to delete a pilot or he wants to be deleted from pilots list - why is all data lost?

    It isnt normal that if pilot leaves an airline - all flights he or she has flown in the past will be earsed - it had a great impact on our company economy + all aircraft statistics went "completely wrong".

    Thanks for any kind of help and assistance.


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