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Everything posted by Jas

  1. Have noticed that whne I'm adding in flights across the international date line the calculated distance is all screwed up. For example, YSSY (Sydney) to PHNL (Honolulu) comes up as 19155 miles. Apart from entering these manually, is there a potential bug/solution here?
  2. I think thats it. Passwords of 6 characters or more work fine. Just need to make a note on the form to let people know.
  3. Is there a minimum length for the password?
  4. Just deleted the entire php folder from my server and uploaded the latest beta and reinstalled. Still can't register a pilot. Can you please see if you can register. (www.explorevirtual.com) Otherwise I might have to go back to the last public release rather then the latest beta and see of that fixes it.
  5. Thanks. This is now working again.
  6. Damn. I'm now having the same problem as well. (Cannot register additional pilots) Edit: (Still have same problem after going to beta version .693)
  7. Any chance of checking this error. Using latest beta 1.2.692 on the opening page which I uploaded to this morning, the pie chart which displays the aircraft used gets this error in both IE8 and Firefox 3.08 Fatal error: Class 'googleChart' not found in /home/explorev/public_html/php/core/common/StatsData.class.php on line 297
  8. Bugger. i checked mine this morning and I'm having the exactly the same problem. It just keeps reloading the page. Checked in the admin centre and it doesn't go through either btw. Edit: Sorry. had to restart IE and it does work after using beta version 1.2.692
  9. Just noticed when I went to do a manual pirep that it wouldn't let me because I hadn't bid on it? Never noticed this before as I usually FsP or ACARS. Is this a bug or are you supposed to bid on flights now before flying/filing them. (Using Version 1.2.687 if it helps)
  10. Thanks. I'll try linking it in the next day or so.
  11. When prospective pilots come and look at the website, they are unable to search the flight schedules unless they are logged in as a pilot. Some pilots (including me in the past) might be a bit hesitant to sign up unless they can search the schedules to see if htere is enough variety etc to satisfy them. Is there an easy way to add the search schedules part to the main screen so they can do this before joining/logging in?
  12. Might have solved my part of own problem by doing the following. 1. Erased the website. 2. Re-installed by using the original files 3. Backed up both local.config and codon.config 3. Installed the latest beta 4. Used the backup copies of local.config and codon.config. This seems to have solved the acars and fspax problem. I'll test it out over the next couple of days and see if it has fixed the pages problem as well.
  13. I actually deleted the whole site from the server and re-installed the original full version. No problems. Downloaded the beta and updated it. Still can't see the pages and still get the same error for the fsacars config file download. While I can work around the pages error, the fsacars is a bugger. The following is the error I get when I go to download the fspassengers cofig file if it helps Notice: Constant SITE_ROOT already defined in /home/explorev/public_html/php/core/codon.config.php on line 45 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/explorev/public_html/php/core/codon.config.php:45) in /home/explorev/public_html/php/core/modules/ACARS/ACARS.php on line 100 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/explorev/public_html/php/core/codon.config.php:45) in /home/explorev/public_html/php/core/modules/ACARS/ACARS.php on line 101 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/explorev/public_html/php/core/codon.config.php:45) in /home/explorev/public_html/php/core/modules/ACARS/ACARS.php on line 102 menu_name=Explore Virtual; base_url=http://www.explorevirtual.com/php; path_stats=index.php/acars; path_export=action.php/acars/fspax; username=EVS0001; password=none;
  14. I didn't really do anything different to what was in the instruction. When I go to download the fsacars config to check that it was still working, I now get this error Notice: Constant SITE_ROOT already defined in /home/explorev/public_html/php/core/codon.config.php on line 45 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/explorev/public_html/php/core/codon.config.php:45) in /home/explorev/public_html/php/core/modules/ACARS/ACARS.php on line 75 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/explorev/public_html/php/core/codon.config.php:45) in /home/explorev/public_html/php/core/modules/ACARS/ACARS.php on line 76 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/explorev/public_html/php/core/codon.config.php:45) in /home/explorev/public_html/php/core/modules/ACARS/ACARS.php on line 77 Any ideas on what this means and if it's related?
  15. Just installed the latest beta to fix the hours count problem. When I went back in to check I noticed that the user content pages we can create have dissappeared from the ribbon bar. Has anyone else had this problem?
  16. Just to throw another spanner in the works, what happens if a pilot bids for a flight but never actually flies it. Could you code it so that after say 48/72 hours, if there is no pirep, it goes back on the active schedules? This was other pilots can bid and fly it as well.
  17. It was working before on hostmonster.com which I understand uses PHP 5. I'll try your suggestion of entering them manually but it was a great help to do it automatically Edit: Now working: In hindsight, I think it was because I was downloading some other stuff, it must have been timing out. Have to remember not to try and two things at once next time.
  18. Hi I'm getting this error message when I go to upload flight routes. Any idea on what's happening? Warning: simplexml_load_file(http://ws.geonames.org/search?maxRows=1&featureCode=AIRP&q=OBII) [function.simplexml-load-file]: failed to open stream: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known in /home/explorev/public_html/php/core/common/OperationsData.class.php on line 348
  19. Thanks. This works well to change the centre but is it possible to change the zoom level as well?
  20. Is there an easy way to adjust the live map so it is not centred around US/Europe. I would like to have it see the whole world?
  21. Hi. Just moved over to phpvms as it has fsacars and fspassengers integration so well done. One thing which seems to be missing is when a new pilot signs up, I don't get an email alerting me to this. Am I missing something or is this not possible?
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