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Posts posted by homer09001

  1. im writing a standalone script to work with phpvms, currently im trying to get it to return an error message if a bid can't be removed, but for some reason its not working correctly:

    	echo "Bid Succesfully Removed";
    	echo '<font color="red">Failed to Remove Bid, Error Code: RB001</font>';

    The problem im having is that its returning the error message when the bid is removed or when its not, where as i use a identical check when adding bids:

    if(SchedulesData::addBid($pilotid, $brief_id))
    	echo "Bid Added!";
    	echo '<center><font Color="red">Failed to Add Bid, Error Code: AB001</font></center>';

    and that works as it should?

    any ideas why my remove bid check isn't working?

  2. If you re-accept the PIREP, does it change?

    No change.

    Also just to add, fiddling with that pirep i rejected after it was accepted the pilot hours didn't change, then i accepted it again and the system now counted it as a new flight so even though there is only the 1 pirep it counts it as two and add the two flight times.

  3. Version 2.0.874

    the hours are increasing and hours until next rank are decreasing.

    from what I see the increase/descrease is correct when using H:M, i'll email the pilots see what problem they were having.

    although that said, my Hours until next rank was reading 57.7 earlier?

    Its now reading 56.88 :S

    Also have noticed if you edit the flight time via the admin panel, the total hours don't change for the pilot.

  4. It's hours:minutes. Is their time increasing at all? What version?

    Version 2.0.874

    the hours are increasing and hours until next rank are decreasing.

    from what I see the increase/descrease is correct when using H:M, i'll email the pilots see what problem they were having.

    although that said, my Hours until next rank was reading 57.7 earlier?

    Its now reading 56.88 :S

  5. When filling a pirep should the time be in a Decimal like:

    .1 - 6 mins

    .2 - 12 mins

    .3 - 18 mins

    .4 - 24 mins

    .5 - 30 mins

    .6 - 36 mins

    .7 - 42 mins

    .8 - 48 mins

    .9 - 54 mins

    1.0 - 60 mins

    or in Hours:Minutes?

    Just a few Pilots at the VA I'm a manager for said their Time until next promotion isn't increasing correctly when using Hours:Minutes.

  6. try

    <img src="/PilotIDs/createid.php?pilotid=<?php echo $pilot->pilotid;?>" />

    Then inside that createid.php with that above code to include the codon.inc.php and the other stuff, and then create your image

    Thanks Nabeel got it eventualy

    Has to change the code you gave me a bit to get it to work:

    <img src="/PHPVMS/PilotIDs/createid.php?pilotid=<?php echo $userinfo->pilotid;?>" />

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