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Eric Maresh

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Everything posted by Eric Maresh

  1. I try to put my web site on a new web hosting server and every time when i import my flight schedules from my csv template and when i click on a route it is always saying No route passed i been working on this pass three months trying to get it fix and i install and uninstall and reinstall with always new database for my mysql every time but it is still doing this No route passed. even using the first template that cam with the phpvms skins. Please help
  2. thanks for the help Eddie
  3. I know the PHPVMS only alow 4 ICAO airport code like PANC but dose it also alow like 3 or 2 ICAO Airport code like SRV for Stony River Airport Alaska USA? is there a way i can change it were i can use 3 or 2 ICAO airport code with PHPVMS, and also I need to see how can i change my VER call sign to ERA on my web site when new pilots join.
  4. Thanks that works i got it back thanks for the help
  5. I don`t know what happen but my PHPVMS website is not working every time when you go to the main site it comes up with a blank page can anyone help. http://virtualeraviation.com Thanks Eric Maresh CEO Virtual ERA Alaska
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