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Posts posted by airmermaid

  1. Hi

    I have somehow managed to do what I wanted. For now I am able to check if the flight is "on time" ( - + 15 minutes), "early" ( < 15 minutes), "delayed" (> 15 minutes) or "not scheduled" (any flights other than P type).

    But my version needs an additional column (a flight time column) in schedules database which should be entered as "time" directly into the database.

    What I would like to know if it is possible to integrate this column in the admin panel or change the Flight Time entry to be able to enter it as "time" instead of "float".



  2. First of all you should have those a/c in your fleet. I however have once noticed that a former pilot of mine was flying a different a/c (I mean the type let's say B737 instead of A320) and later he told me that he has chosen B737 from kACARS menu but flew the A320.

    kACARS lets you to fly charters which is similar what you have asked.

    Tell your pilots to use a different flight number so that you can understand that the flight is a non scheduled one so that when they file a PIREP you can go and edit the price etc. before approving.

  3. Waleed, I have posted a flightboard in the forum. There are PNG images attached to that. Simply change those mine with dot images which you can find by googling.

    For colors you can look at this website ---> http://www.somacon.com/p142.php

    This site --> http://www.w3schools.com/default.asp has plenty of great information almos about anything.

    And I agree with James. The orange font (especially on white background) is really hard to read.

    • Like 1
  4. for a/c name

    <?php echo $flight->aircraftname;?>

    for REGO

    <?php echo $flight->registration;?>

    I use both name and reg in one column

    <?php echo $flight->aircraftname;?> <?php echo $flight->registration;?>



    <td><%=flight.aircraftname%>  <%=flight.aircraft%></td>


  5. Geia

    I can try doing it for A320 but I need the template. If you are using LevelD the textures for 767 would be useful. If the 737s are PMDG then it is also ok the -700 or -900 (if you have the full fuse psd file it is better.

    contact me from technik [at] airmermaid [dot] com

    • Like 1
  6. <!--<td align="center" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="style2" style="color: #000000"><?php echo $row->aircraftname;?></td>-->

    In my version the above code is like this

    <td align="center"><font color="#010854"><?php echo $flight->aircraftname;?> <?php echo $flight->aircraft;?></td>

    This shows the type and a/c registration.

  7. Hi Michael,

    This is the quick stats at the frontpage.

    As flighttype P and H are seperately inserted in the database but they are both referring to number of pax I simply wanted to show total pax number flown (both charter and scheduled).

  8. It is in your SQL database when you enter there with phpMyAdmin you'll see the entry phpvms_aircraft

    When you choose export it will ask the file type for exporting (at least mine does).

    Or use this one and upload it to your database via myadmin (same as above)phpvms_aircraft.csv (right click and save then edit with excel or something similar).

  9. Hi all,

    I have a question regarding statistics.

    With the help of Michael I was able to get Pax and Cargo shown seperately.

    The code was :

    $query="SELECT SUM(`load`) as totalpax FROM `phpvms_pireps` WHERE `flighttype`='P'";


    echo $result[0]->totalpax;

    Now I am trying to make something different (as usual I can't :P). In my very simple logic I get total Pax Scheduled flights with the code above, then I get total Pax Charter changing flighttype as "H". Now the confusing part (for me) comes;

    how do I sum both to get total pax carried?

    Total Pax Carried = Total Pax Scheduled + Total Pax Charter

    What I have done was (OK don't laugh...kidding.. you can laugh as loud as you can :D )

    $queryP="SELECT SUM(`load`) as totalpax FROM `phpvms_pireps` WHERE `flighttype`='P'";


    $queryH="SELECT SUM(`load`) as totalpax FROM `phpvms_pireps` WHERE `flighttype`='H'";


    $total=$resultH + $resultP;

    echo $total[0]->totalpax;



  10. Well, I tried that and it echoed persons after the number which in my case stayed the same. I wonder if I should have deleted my cache and all that good stuff in the maint center to get the number to reflect accurately.

    I think it is because the name of the database in your VA is not "phpvms_pireps" but something else. Try calling it with the exact name. In my VA it is "phpvms_CEOpireps"

  11. Hi,

    In my site I have put it inside frontpage_main.tpl under sidebar entry where you also have Newest Pilots and such.

    This is the full code I am currently using.

    <h3 align="center">Statistics</h3>

    <table bgcolor="#d6d6d6" frame="border" align="center" bordercolor="#010854">

    <tr align="left"><th>


    <tt>Total Pilots: </tt><?php echo StatsData::PilotCount(); ?><br />

    <tt>Total Pax Flights: </tt>


    $query="SELECT COUNT(*) as totalfltp FROM `phpvms_pireps` WHERE `flighttype`='P'";


    echo $result[0]->totalfltp; ?><br />

    <tt>Total Cargo Flights: </tt>


    $query="SELECT COUNT(*) as totalfltp FROM `phpvms_pireps` WHERE `flighttype`='C'";


    echo $result[0]->totalfltp; ?><br />

    <tt>Total Hours Flown: </tt><?php echo StatsData::TotalHours()?> <?php echo hours; ?><br />

    <tt>Total Miles Flown: </tt><?php echo StatsData::TotalMilesFlown()?> <?php echo NM; ?><br />

    <tt>Total a/c in Fleet: </tt><?php echo StatsData::TotalAircraftInFleet(); ?><br />

    <tt>Total Flights Today: </tt><?php echo StatsData::totalflightstoday(); ?><br />

    <tt> Total Pax Carried: </tt><?php

    $query="SELECT SUM(`load`) as totalpax FROM `phpvms_pireps` WHERE `flighttype`='P'";


    echo $result[0]->totalpax; ?> <?php echo Persons; ?><br />

    <tt>Total Cargo Carried: </tt><?php

    $query="SELECT SUM(`load`) as totalfreight FROM `phpvms_pireps` WHERE `flighttype`='C'";


    echo $result[0]->totalfreight; ?> <?php echo Kgs; ?><br /></div>


    Hope it helps.

    • Like 1
  12. Hi,

    Me again with another problem (as you know it most prolly be me not the scrips :P).

    Anyway, when I fly a cargo flight (I double checked and it appears as "Cargo Flight" in schedules) and at the end when I send the pirep in my database it is always registered as "P".

    After each flight I have to go into my database and set it manually to "C", for cargo operations. For charter I don't mind this but same thing happens also with "H" type.

    some info;


    Flight code : MER (for pax, cargo and charter)



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