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  1. Yeah ,that's my airline. I'm still working ona website but most of the features is on. I'm planing to add more airports and hubs,but before that,it will be good to have more pilots ,to to make this airline more active. For me ,to start the FSX,or FS9 or something like that airline it's impossible,it's just too expensive. There's a lot of airlines in FG so mine is nothing new. But it is original,since in the whole FG ,there is no airline whch operates aircrafts like Cessna 172 & 208,and operates arround Alaska,on all airports,from the big ones ,like PABE,PANC,PAFA to very small airports,on which you can only land with Cessna 172 or 208. Seeing some airlines here,it's hard not to want something like that,but not all the people arround have enough knowledge and money for that. That's one thing in which FG is a great thing....it's free. Cheers.
  2. Sure I do. http://unionvirtualairlines.wix.com/union-airlines
  3. Hello everyone,I would like to inform everyone that my airline is from now on,present on this forum. I will announce the news and other rimportant suff. Union International Airways,is a FlightGear based virtual airline,with the main hub at PABE Bethel,Alaska. We are specalized on very short flights and landing on short,unpaved runways around Alaska. Along with these,we have a scheduled flights to other US airports. So ,come and join us. http://unionvirtualairlines.wix.com/union-airlines
  4. I'm new here,also I'm new in the whole story about phpVMS. I'm the owner of the FlightGear based virtual airline,and so I would need some help on how to connect my airline with VA central,and in general,how to use all of this correctly. My airline is on free hosting. I 'm trying to find something about FlightGear here but it seems that there is nothing. Thank you all in advance.
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