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  1. I have the 403 error AND the other error (like the some other users). Thanks ! Stéphane
  2. Here is my website : Sky Away Virtual Airline Thanks Stéphane
  3. I still have the error and my xml file is blank. Stéphane
  4. Nothing in my xml file... Stéphane
  5. Same error (build 927). Stéphane
  6. I did it but I still have the problem. Stéphane
  7. I've done the update an other time but I still have the problem. When I go on a log detail's page, I can see the google maps chart (with the red line and the departure and arrival airports ex: http://stephane_skyaway.byethost31.com/phpvms/index.php/pireps/viewreport/437. However, when I go on the LIVE MAP page, there is no map and we can't see the planes in live (ex: http://stephane_skyaway.byethost31.com/phpvms/index.php/acars). Stéphane
  8. Hello I just did an update from v. 854 to 874. I did not have any map. Moreover, the live acars with FSACARS did not work any more (I have no more information under the blank map in the LIVE MAP page). I resetted my google API, but I didn't have the maps... Stéphane
  9. I don't think there is an error on the phpVMS side because it worked very well with your test system. May be a ftp problem ? I am currently using byethost31... Stéphane
  10. I did an other flight. Before it, I set "true" on "DEBUG_MODE" and "ACARS_DEBUG". All the logs are blanks. Stéphane
  11. I will try an other time to do a second log.
  12. I set DEBUG_MODE to true and did a flight. As usual, I have the errors. When I looked the log files, all of them were blank. I attached in this message the xacars.log file I found here : C:ProgramsXACARS Stéphane xacars.zip
  13. I found all the log files in core/logs. They are blank. In the local.config.php, I set ACARS DEBUG to true. Now I can have the logs, that's correct ? You would like the logs with which xacars config file ? Mine or the config file from the dev site ? Stéphane
  14. http://dev.phpvms.net/index.php/pireps/viewreport/131 All is ok in the phpVMS pirep. Stéphane
  15. There is no error with your dev site. Stéphane
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