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Everything posted by ace92nd

  1. ace92nd

    Kacars Help

    I like to learn how do i Custom my own Kacars can some one tell me how do i do one. Thanks Ericm
  2. ok thanks
  3. How do i change the color of the Obsess Blue like the MENU box etc.. or can I?
  4. ok i got that done but this is what i am getting Notice: The template file "/home/vaairtra/public_html//core/templates/awards_allawards.tpl" doesn't exist in /home/vaairtra/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248 Notice: The template file "/home/vaairtra/public_html//core/templates/ranks_allranks.tpl" doesn't exist in /home/vaairtra/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248 how do i fix this. do i have to make my own tpl file?
  5. ok i went there and i don`t have those two folder in there that might be way so i can just use this coding and make my own?
  6. ok I add images ranks and awards images but in my Admin Center both of ranks and Images show but in the Awards page on my main site it is still saying An Error Was Encountered The module "AWARDS" doesn't exist! http://vatwa.org/index.php/awards same for the ranks too An Error Was Encountered The module "RANK" doesn't exist! http://vatwa.org/index.php/rank when I got my pilot list it show there rank image but not the Awards image in there profile. it only show the name of the award not the image of it?
  7. every time when i try to go to the link for Awards & Ranks even when I do have the rank setup it is always saying An Error Was Encountered The module "RANK" doesn't exist! An Error Was Encountered The module "AWARDS" doesn't exist! How do i fix that?
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