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  1. dissregard, I got it working. Thanks for your help mark1million
  2. mark1million thanks for all your help, i tried to go into edit the database, but i couldn't find the fields to update. I tried a fresh install, a fresh SQL but still nothing. Below is a screenshot of what I see. I can make another username to give someone else access to my phpmyadmin if they can help ? Thanks
  3. How can I check what group I am ?
  4. I used the latest download (2.1.934) I even tried uploading it again (about 4-5 times) and i tried downloading it from here again and reuploading it to see if it would work.
  5. Hi all, Sorry if it is here already, i did search for it, but found nothing. I had PHPVMS installed before and loved it. However my hosting crashed and I lost everything. So after a while i tried reinstalling it. After upoading and filling in the two pages (one for MySQL and a second for login and airline name) it then brings me to a final page, the url is something like http://blabla.com/intall/install.php?complete (Or something like that) the page displayed no info though, i remember in the past that it showed something. I then tried loging in, which was successful, but i have no access to the admin panel. I have tried bla.com/admin/ while loged in, but it didn't work. Does anyone know of any solution ? Thanks
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