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Everything posted by VAEA

  1. Hi all, I am using SMF forum and I am trying to show the latest forum posts on my homepage. I searched the forum and have tried a few things but it wont work. My ssi is <?php require("/home/mysite/public_html/core/modules/forum/SSI.php"); ?> When it put this at the yop of my frontpage.tpl and then goto my website it redirects to my forum. Am i putting it in the wrong place?? Any help would be much appreciated Alan
  2. Thanks guys it is now working. Great work from you all much appreciated
  3. Hi Manuel When i take away map from mapOptions like bruce said i loose my weather map
  4. Thought I had it . Still showing 2 maps but The weather map is now on top argghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  5. Got it working had to take "default " out of acars_map.tpl on line 38. It now reads var acars_map = { Thanks everyone for your help
  6. lol James
  7. I spoke too soon. I am getting 1 map on top of the other. I think I need to disable the old one . When I try i am loosing the live flight info grrrrrrrrrrr
  8. Yes at last guys thank you all. I can now relax that was really doing my head in lol
  9. Thanks for your help James . I changed what you suggested but still no joy. I must need to change something else in PHPVMS also. I will get there. Any other suggestions
  10. Thank you so much for your reply. I understand what you are saying but I have read on the google API V3 that you can add the weather Layer to the MapID using var mapOptions = { zoom: 6, center: new google.maps.LatLng(49.265984, -123.127491), mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP }; var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), mapOptions); var weatherLayer = new google.maps.weather.WeatherLayer({ temperatureUnits: google.maps.weather.TemperatureUnit.FAHRENHEIT }); weatherLayer.setMap(map); var cloudLayer = new google.maps.weather.CloudLayer(); cloudLayer.setMap(map); I tried to put it in the acars js file but it didnt work
  11. I have tried everything is there anyone that can help please
  12. bump
  13. This is what I would like my ACARS map to look like can anyone help please
  14. Thanks for the reply. yes it is V3
  15. bump
  16. Try putting this at the top <script type="text/javascript"> setInterval(function() { $("#fboard").load(location.href+" #fboard>*",""); }, 10000); </script>
  17. BUMP
  18. Hi all, Was trying to change my Acars map to the weather version. All I can see in the local_config is # Valid types are G_NORMAL_MAP, G_SATELLITE_MAP, G_HYBRID_MAP, G_PHYSICAL_MAP I tried changing my map to G_WEATHER_MAP but it doesnt work. Would anyone have an idea of how to do this please. Thanks in advance I have just tried adding this API key to to the local_config but still no joy <?php $xml = simplexml_load_file('http://www.google.co...a,croatia&hl=hr'); $information = $xml->xpath("/xml_api_reply/weather/forecast_information"); $current = $xml->xpath("/xml_api_reply/weather/current_conditions"); $forecast_list = $xml->xpath("/xml_api_reply/weather/forecast_conditions"); ?>
  19. VAEA


    Hi Mark, I took the _name away from <h3 align="center">Stats For <?php echo $month_name;?> - <?php echo $year;?></h3> and it now changes but it gives a number ie instead of july its will say 7 I have settled for that until Kyle gets a fix
  20. Hi all, I have added a new profile field to my website called age group. I would like to add it to my pilot list in the admin section. I have tried to modify the pilot_list.tpl in the admin/templates/pilot_list.tpl by putting in age group in the code and removing rank just to see if i could get it to work. Can anyone advise what i need to do. Thanks in advance {index: 'id', name: 'id', hidden: true, search: false }, {index: 'pilotid', name : 'pilotid',sortable : true, align: 'left', search: 'true', searchoptions:{sopt:['in']}}, {index: 'firstname', name : 'firstname',sortable : true, align: 'left', search: 'true', searchoptions:{sopt:['in']}}, {index: 'lastname', name : 'lastname', sortable : true, align: 'left', searchoptions:{sopt:['in']}}, {index: 'email', name : 'email', sortable : true, align: 'left',searchoptions:{sopt:['li']}}, {index: 'location', name : 'location', sortable : true, align: 'center',searchoptions:{sopt:['eq','ne']}}, {index: 'status', name : 'status', sortable : true, align: 'center',searchoptions:{sopt:['in']}}, {index: 'age group', name : 'age group', sortable : false, align: 'center', searchoptions:{sopt:['eq','ne']}}, {index: 'totalflights', name : 'totalflights', sortable : true, align: 'center',searchoptions:{sopt:['lt','gt']}}, {index: 'totalhours', name : 'totalhours', sortable : true, align: 'center',searchoptions:{sopt:['lt','gt']}}, {index: 'lastip', name : 'lastip', sortable : true, align: 'center', searchoptions:{sopt:['in']}}, {index: '', name : '', sortable : true, align: 'center', search: false} Alan
  21. VAEA

    connection error

    No worries . You provide an excellant service . Can i get the free version working or is it not compatable
  22. VAEA

    connection error

    Lorathon does that mean it cannot work on his site. I know he has emailed you about a custom Kacars as i pointed him in your direction as I told him that mine was great and didnt have any problems. I wanted to try the free version to see if it was compatable.
  23. VAEA

    connection error

    Hi all, I have been helping a friend set up Kacars free. He is not PHPvms nor is he free hosting. I put the module in the directory and filled out the relevant info but cannot connect at all. Does it have to be a PHPvms websit. I have looke arround the forum but cant find anything. The web address is www.jet2virtual.com Any suggestions. I have also put in a php.ini file but it goes ove rmy head. THanks in advance
  24. Glad you got it sorted
  25. As far as i know as long as the local.config is filled in it doesnt matter about the app.config I might be wrong and I am sure I will be corrected if I am. My problem was the phpvms version I was running. It needs to be Version v2.1.934-171-gbc02380 You can check this in your Admin center at the bottom right hand side of the page.
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