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  1. found the problem it was The ISAPI filter were restricting the asp4 dlls to run.
  2. Sure also now ive sorted this all my other pages like support and forums have 404 errors dont supose you know how to sort this?
  3. Solved it took soem time but did it Had to check every config in MySQL and PHPmyadmin and make sure it was enabled there
  4. thanks i spoke to them and they said the mysql is active, I checked phpmyadmin and is disabled i dont surpose anyneone knows how to enable it ive tried it but not getting anywhere
  5. I have followed the instruction on how to install it and i seem to keep hitting the same wall. This is the log I receive. How do i solve this?
  6. tried it still same again
  7. Nope still no luck same errors again
  8. Ok i have deleted the database and completely restarted from the beginning but i get same errors. Its my own server not a free hosting one, i no the PHPVMS should work as one of my friends is running his database off my server
  9. yep tried that also
  10. i tried what you said but getting same error as above
  11. i created a table correctly and it all work but then i place the information in to start the table creationonly a few are created this is the error: Why is this?
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