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Everything posted by Ryan2981

  1. Hi everyone, The so called tutorials on this forum for skinning are not very specific and are kind of confusing. Every template I have tried working with will only show text. No template of any kind. I am looking for someone who can take the time to write up a tutorial to skin any html template step by step. I am willing to pay. I can afford up to $50 for someone to make a step by step tutorial with images to download. Can anyone help? I will pay upon completion and you give me the link once you receive the payment. Paypal only. PM me if you can do this. Thanks, Ryan
  2. Servetas, hoping you can help me. I installed the mod on my host, and seems to working ok. Pilot transfers work perfect, but when searching for schedules, nothing comes up no matter what airport I am at that I have in my schedules. I have them set and in a loop, bu still nothing. Any ideas? Thanks.
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