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Posts posted by I-MAXI

  1. Hi flyzen,

    I think that if you want to make an official virtual airline of a real word airline, you must have a written permission about their logos, name etc etc...

    Instead, if you want to make a not-official VA of a real VA you can't use the officials trademarks.

    Ps I am not a lawyer :D.


  2. I found the solution on the SMF Support web Site, here is the code:

    in ./Sources/Subs-Graphics.php


      // Walk the right path.      if (!empty($modSettings['currentAttachmentUploadDir']))


            if (!is_array($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']))

                $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] = unserialize($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']);

            $path = $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'][$dir];



            $path = $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'];

    Make It:

    // Walk the right path.

          if (!empty($modSettings['currentAttachmentUploadDir']))


            if (!is_array($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']))

                $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] = unserialize($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']);

            $path = $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'][$modSettings['currentAttachmentUploadDir']];



            $path = $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'];

    Source: http://www.simplemachines.org/community/index.php?P=fe96009fe8a2e514f91f59675d1e6997&topic=312047.msg2073091#msg2073091

    Solution by: Shadow82x


  3. I can continue my work?

    Now I'm working on lang_core.php.

    However my system works like this:

    there are one new folder called "lang", in this folder there are, lang_core.php and one o more $lang.php (e.g. en-en.php, it-it.php....)


    This determines the nationality of the user using $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] method and creating a cookie in the user PC containing language id, (e.g. en-us, it-it, en-en).

    So, in every page lang_core.php reads the cookie content and insert the value in a variable $lang and select the respective $lang.php file which contains the variables with string translated.

    Is it possible my idea?




    //Italian language

    //translated by Marco Carbone

    $Unauthorized_access = 'Accesso non autorizzato!';

    $Graph_Title_Pireps_filed = 'Pireps Compilati';

    $Install_folder_exist_security_risk = 'La cartella d'installazione esiste ancora! Questo crea un rischio di sicurezza elevato. Eliminalo subito!';

    $Unable_to_connect_to_phpvms_server_to_update = '<br /><b>Errore:</b> Il server di aggiornamento phpVMS non può essere contattato. Assicurati che allow_url_fopen sia ON nel php.ini, o che il module cURL sia installato (contatta il tuo host).';

    $phpVMS_Version = '/^.*Versione: (.*)</span>/';

    $phpVMS_Version_Available = 'Versione ';

    $phpVMS_Version_is_Available = ' è disponibile per il download! Aggiorna ASAP';

    $Add_Download_Category = 'Aggiungi categoria';

    $Add_Download = 'Aggiungi Download';

    $Va_Stats = 'Statistiche Virtual Airline';

    $Total_Pilots = 'Totale Piloti: ';

    $Total_Flights = 'Totale Voli: ';

    $Total_Hours_Flown = 'Totale ore di volo eseguite: ';

    $Latest_News = 'Ultime notizie';

    $Administration_Panel = 'Pannello di amministrazione';

    $Pilot_Reports_for_Week = 'Rapporti dei piloti della settimana scorsa';

    Work in progress


    So, to work this system have to include this:

    include ("../lang/lang_core.php");

    include ("../lang/$lang.php");

    in every page, and the content must be variable, for example:


    # Create the chart

                //$reportcounts = '';

                $reportcounts = PIREPData::ShowReportCounts();



                  $reportcounts = array();


                include ("../lang/lang_core.php");

                include ("../lang/$lang.php");

                $graph = new ChartGraph('pchart', 'line', 680, 180);

                $graph->setFontSize( 8 ) ;

                $graph->AddData($reportcounts, array_keys($reportcounts));





    Update: I have just finish to write lang_core.php, this is the code:


    $lang_id = mb_substr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'],0, -30, 'UTF-8');

    $Host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];

    setcookie($Host, $lang_id, time()+86400);

    $lang_name = $_COOKIE[Host];


    but there are some errors....

    1)Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:xampphtdocsphpvmscoreclassesTemplateSet.class.php:221) in C:xampphtdocsphpvmslanglang_core.php on line 6

    2)Warning: include(../lang/.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:xampphtdocsphpvmsadminmodulesDashboardDashboard.php on line 99

    Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '../lang/.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:xamppphppear') in C:xampphtdocsphpvmsadminmodulesDashboardDashboard.php on line 99

    3)Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at C:xampphtdocsphpvmsadminindex.php:53) in C:xampphtdocsphpvmscorecodon.config.php on line 40

    4)Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '../lang/.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:xamppphppear') in C:xampphtdocsphpvmsadmintemplatesdashboard.tpl on line 5

    but the second, third and fourth errors after a page reload, disappears, but only using Mozilla Firefox... :-[

  4. Hello at all,

    I'm Marco an Italian boy, i'm 16 years old and my passion is fly.

    I'm a student at 3rd year of Aeronautics Technical Institute in Bari (Italy, Puglia).

    I had a Virtual Airline many month ago  Adriatica Airlines (OnLine for 1 year).

    My hobby are many, but I prefer web developing, especially using Joomla! a contenent management system Open Source, Simple Machine Forum 1.1.x, mybb 1.4.x, and i have 3 years of experience with these tools.

    But my PHP level is basic, because i work with HTML and Joomla Framework.

    I have discovered this wonderful tool and I want to partecipate to improve this tool.

    So i'm developing a Multi-Language System and Italian Language for phpVMS.

    Tomorrow i will leave my first page of admin panel that contains my system and the core system.


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