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  1. Ok Sir, excuse the delay in replying, the error that gives the new user is PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach () in E: \ home \ fabvkafly \ fabvirtual \ web \ core \ templates \ registration_mainform.tpl on line 45. Thanks in advance.
  2. Hello, I'm new to phpvms, I have a VA and was wanting to use this system in it, the document is already installed, but I have great difficulty setting up the party registration (get an error) and page editing the pilot (also error occurs ) someone could help me. My VA is http://www.fabvirtual.com.br ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Olá, sou novato no phpvms, tenho uma VA e estava querendo utilizar este sistema nela, os documentos ja estão instalados, porem estou com grande dificuldade de configurar a parte de registro (aparece um erro) e a pagina de editar o piloto (tambem ocorre erro) alguem poderia me ajudar. Minha VA é http://www.fabvirtual.com.br
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