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Chris Rice

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  1. We have created some new pages in the admin panel and then they show up towards the bottom of the main menu. Is there a way of moving them up to the top? Thanks!
  2. I added a list of information at what I thought was at the bottom of the home page, but it appears on every page of the site. Is there a way to only have something show up on the homepage and not everywhere else?
  3. Currently I have a skin setup that has drop downs. For example when you put your mouse over operations it will drop down and show a list of pages. Is there a way to put your mouse over one of the pages and have a submenu/dropdown to the right? For example I want to add Forms under Operations and when you hover over forms it will give you a list of forms to click on.
  4. Is there a way for only base managers to approve PIREPS of pilots that belong to that base? Currently any base manager can approve PIREPS of all pilots no matter if they are their base manager or not. Thanks!
  5. Do you have to create all the pages manually in the admin center on the new site or is there a way to just copy the production pages into the test environment?
  6. I understand that. What is the best approach? Start a new environment from scratch and then copy data or not? Basically what I'm trying to do is copy the site over to a test environment so that I can test some menu changes without playing with the production site. What files should be copied over?
  7. I did all of that and it still doesn't have everything appear properly for some reason. I was just curious if there was some kind of documentation out there explaining the process of moving a website or copying it to another location.
  8. I am attempting to create a test environment in order to make some website changes/testing without affecting the production environment. Is there a good way of copying the production environment into a test environment. I installed a fresh copy of phpvms and overwrote most of the files, but doesn't seem to bring all the formatting over properly. Thanks!
  9. I'm new to the phpVMS setup and I have been hired as Director of IT. It seems somewhat confusing to me, but I'm looking to remove a link from the Main Menu and the menu up at the top. How do I go about doing this? The website is www.jetblueva.net if you want to take a look. Thanks!
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