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Everything posted by Harry.D

  1. Hello all, We will have a open Teamspeak server from now till Thursday we have got the CEO with is my self and other staff member's come along and meet you freinds. Team speak ID:eurots2.gamespeak.com:9163 Website: http://www.xlvirtual.flysim.eu/ Regards Harry Downton XL Virtual Founder/CEO
  2. Dear All, Hello My Name is Harry and i am the CEO & Founder of XL Virtual http://www.xlvirtual.flysim.eu/index.php/ We have opened today to the public if you would like to make any suggestions regarding the Airline then please post on here we have got out new team speak server coming soon what is there not to like Regards H.D
  3. Hello I can remeber seeing how to change it on the forum some where but i can not fin it again so how do you change from the default Dollars To Great British Pounds Thank you H.D
  4. My Name is Harry Downton and I am the Vice Ceo of XL Virtual. We have decided to have an Open Day where the Team Speak will have no password and you will be able to speak to staff members,Pilots. It will be held on Saturday 30th 18:00Z. If you want to attend, please let us know via the poll. XL Virtual Team Speak Login: Website Link: http://ukshuttleva.elementfx.com/index.php/Frontpage P.S We are remakeing the website so please do not let that put you off joining Regards Harry Downton (Vice CEO) Email: viceceo.xlairways@live.co.uk
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