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  1. Hello Everyone, I would like to take this opportunity to give you a great offer! If you are looking to start a Virtual Airline, and need Web Hosting then this could be for you. WebHosting for many people is quite daunting and we can help to give you the support that you need. If you order our basic, standard or advanced hosting then we can also install and configure phpVMS for you as well, we can also assist with things such as installing templates, editing the code and helping you to succeed in running a Virtual Airline, Flying Group or Virtual Military! The most basic package that is hosted in a UK datacentre, is only £3.50 GBP. We are an english company but can also cater for american and European customers also, our servers' ping is great in the US as well as the UK! - http://uptime.morganwebhosting.co.uk For more information or to purchase a package with us then please visit our website @ http://www.MorganWebHosting.co.uk And if you just want to speak to someone before purchasing please email me directly @ info@morganwebhosting.co.uk We are a family run company and can offer lots of expertise and help in the field of webhosting and social media marketing, we are based in Sheffield, United Kingdom! Thanks for your time, The Morgan Web Hosting Team! @morganwebhost
  2. Hello, I hope I am posting in the correct forum, It has been a while since I came back to phpVMS Forums. I would like to offer a great hosting package that can get your virtual airline in the air in no time. I am Will, I am from www.morganwebhosting.co.uk, we are a small Yorkshire based company that hosts websites, firstly I would like to share something about my past experience of running a virtual airline, I used to run a virtual airline at www.fsxworldwidevirtual.com, long name i know, and we had free webhosting from a well known webhost, it was a nice enough company, he offered to give us free webhosting because we gave him customers with our contacts to the flight simulation community. Everything was going fine when we were told that we had to get the company customers or they would shut down our website. This was fine as we had already established ourself and we were thankful for that company for giving us a lifeline. So this leads me to my offer of great quality phpVMS hosting with our technicians installing it for you, if you need To find out more, visit our phpvms landing page at http://morganwebhosting.co.uk/phpvms.html Thanks Everyone, Will http://willmorgan.me
  3. Hi , i just wanted to let people know of my new virtual airline , we were established early 2011 but then got a phpvms enabled website late july! we are very happy with it and are always looking for new members. we have regular events , flight instruction , ATC instruction and lots of more stuff! our website is hosted by fswebhost.net - a well known hosting company in the fsx community we also have custom textures for our fleet and things like iPhone apps and browser toolbars. thanks Will - CEO fsxworldwidevirtual.com Teamspeak: fsxworld.teamspeakcp.com:7945 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=iD4mf3Nixsk Our Website Link
  5. hi everyone , i was wondering if anyone would help me! as you all know it is easy to embed videos and things like facebook widgets into phpvms pages but i am having trouble embedding tsviewer into my website my website is www.fsxworldwidevirtual.com and the code i want to embed into it is <div id="ts3viewer_963206" style="width:; background-color:;"> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://static.tsviewer.com/short_expire/js/ts3viewer_loader.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var ts3v_url_1 = "http://www.tsviewer.com/ts3viewer.php?ID=963206&text=000000&text_size=12&text_family=1&js=1&text_s_weight=bold&text_s_style=normal&text_s_variant=normal&text_s_decoration=none&text_s_color_h=525284&text_s_weight_h=bold&text_s_style_h=normal&text_s_variant_h=normal&text_s_decoration_h=underline&text_i_weight=normal&text_i_style=normal&text_i_variant=normal&text_i_decoration=none&text_i_color_h=525284&text_i_weight_h=normal&text_i_style_h=normal&text_i_variant_h=normal&text_i_decoration_h=underline&text_c_weight=normal&text_c_style=normal&text_c_variant=normal&text_c_decoration=none&text_c_color_h=525284&text_c_weight_h=normal&text_c_style_h=normal&text_c_variant_h=normal&text_c_decoration_h=underline&text_u_weight=bold&text_u_style=normal&text_u_variant=normal&text_u_decoration=none&text_u_color_h=525284&text_u_weight_h=bold&text_u_style_h=normal&text_u_variant_h=normal&text_u_decoration_h=none"; ts3v_display.init(ts3v_url_1, 963206, 100); --> </script> everytime i try to embed it it just appears as code and not the widget i intended to embed i was wondering if it is incompatable with phpvms thanks Will Morgan CEO fsxworldwidevirtual.com teamspeak: fsxworld.teamspeakcp.com:7945
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